Sad Honeysickle

Riverton, UT(Zone 6a)

I bought a beautiful honeysickle this year that was about 5 feet tall and looked great at the store. I got it home and kept it in the pot till i found a place to plant. Now that she is in the ground her leaves are turning yellow and droping. Should I cut her back or just let her try to hang on for dear life? :(

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

could she be getting too much water? I wonder if cutting it back would be too much of a shock?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure that honeysuckle can get too much water. Sounds like it's maybe not getting enough for the current heat.

Riverton, UT(Zone 6a)

It is hot, but I feel like I'm pulling yellow leaves off everyday, There's not going to be any left at this rate. lol.I do see some new growth but not much.Thanks for the advise.

(Zone 7b)

Even if the top did die back a bit, they are very hardy, I've rooted a piece I accidently broke off mine by sticking it into the dirt in a raised bed just for somewhere to put it for a moment while I tended to something else, then of course walked off and forgot about it, and it looked awful when I remembered it next time - half dead, shrivelled leaves, but when I went to pull it out for the compost heap, it wouldn't pull - had grown roots, so I left it, and now it's 3 feet tall!.

And I watched our neighbour just butcher his in a pruning massacre, and it looked pretty naked for a while, then popped back full force.

I wouldn't worry too much - give it some time.

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I bought a small vine last fall and it looked as if it would not make it also. Prop some planting soil over some of the area near the root. It will sprout some additional roots and give it a better chance. Also, mist it to make sure it doesn't dry out all day.
I have been rooting pieces of it in some plastic covered pots for a while. I have the John Clayton and the Orange Dropmore one. The hummer loves it and goes up and down each plant to get something from all the flowers. That is why I bought it.
I also just cut pieces off and cover them with soil and forget about them. They take longer than the babied ones, but they get roots eventually.
I am always taking pieces of this and that to make my purchase more cost effective. Making two or three or more plants from one is a fun and profitable hobby.

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