Ohhhhhhhh No More Rain!

Kingston, MA

I don't know if I can take it this year ..........................yikes more rain soon. I sure hope this does not bring out the bad and ugly with my garden now :(


Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

So sorry about all of your rain. I know how discouraging it can be. This year we are actually low on the rainfall charts. I have enjoyed the past few days of rain from a gardeners standpoint, but the sun is out today and the gardens look so much better. New Englanders have been inundated with the wet stuff.

I wish you better weather ASAP!!

Kingston, MA

Thank you rsquared, it did do wonders at first but now it is scarey. It should motivate me to work on things inside the house............but alas I pine to be out in the yard puttering about!


Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

dj-- What gardener wants to work inside? The sun was out yesterday and I mowed the lawn. Dark clouds rolled in just as I finished mowing; it poured. It did not rain; it poured for over an hour.

My next door neighbors new garden washed into my lawn. I felt so bad for them. They were at work and when the down pour let up enough, I went out and replanted about a dozen plants for them. They are not gardeners. The garden was only weeds after years of neglect (they moved in just year ago) and this young couple redid it because I was on the garden tour and they wanted it to look presentable as people toured my gardens.

Too much rain is hard on many plants and even harder on the gardener.

Good Luck to you!

Kingston, MA

Thanks and also to you !!!

Sincerely dj

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