* Best Firefox extensions Volume III (from CNET) *

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Best Firefox extensions Volume III

Download video from YouTube, follow the World Cup, and add some color to your tabs with our latest collection of favorite Firefox extensions.

With over a hundred add-ons in our Firefox extensions category, it's often hard to find the cream of the crop. We've been tracking our favorites since the announcement of the Extend Firefox contest back in December 2005, and we've collected 10 more extensions that we adore. From downloading Internet video to following the World Cup, these add-ons should satisfy you die-hard Firefox fans.

Even better, several of these great extensions are already ahead of the curve for Firefox 2.0, codenamed Bon Echo. DownThemAll, MR Tech Local Install, FireFTP, and Scrapbook are all compatible with Bon Echo. Don't overload on extensions, however. If you find that these new tools are slowing down your browsing, check out our tips for optimizing Firefox. For great productivity extensions, check out Rafe Needleman's best Firefox plug-ins for work.


- Magpye

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