watering with m.g. and watering can

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

i asked this on the tomato forum but did not get an answer. i have my vegetables in containers on my deck. they are either 5 or 2 gal. size. after i put the right amout of m.g. into the 2 gallon watering can how much do water each container. i am using m.g. exclusively this year.
thanks for any help you can give me.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't grow tomatoes or use Miracle Gro, but when I fertilize my containers I just water them like I usually would, until I start to see water come out the holes in the bottom.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

understand that but when you add liquid fertilizer like m.g. i don't want to over fiertilize.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't think you will...if you stop when the water starts coming out the bottom holes you should be fine (as long as you diluted the MG correctly of course). If you stand there and keep pouring water over it for a really long time maybe you could over-fertilize, but even then I think most of the excess would run out the bottom holes with the water. With solid fertilizers it's easy to over-fertilize by putting too much in at once, but with the liquid ones I think that's a lot harder to do, the way people overfertilize with them is either by diluting it wrong or using it too often. You could also read the directions on your MG package...if the amount of water that's supposed to go in the pot after you dilute was critical they would have included that in their instructions (after all, they don't want you burning your plants and then calling them up asking for your money back or to buy you new plants!) So if it's not in the instructions then they must not feel that it would be that easy for someone to overfeed by putting the wrong amt of water in the pot.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

now why didn't i think of that. you wet coast people are right on the ball. thanks so much.

Kearny, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Herbie43...I think ecrane3 is absolutely correct. Quite frankly since Miracle Grow is 100% water soluable, the next time you water without it you will flush most of it out of the pot. That's the problem with all chemical fertilizers, even granular or blends. All the NPK is pretty much gone after a few waterings or some rainy weather. The few pots where I don't use Organic Fertilizer have Osmocote or something similar mixed into the soil at planting. Since it is timed release it will stay in the soil for up to 3 months.


Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)


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