Red berry bush ? No idea what kind it is!

Kingston, MA

This is a substantial sized bush or could it be tree ? Don't know but it is producing berries that turn red. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. It is growing at the edge of a pine/oak grove in morning sun and dappled sun. Thanks


Thumbnail by djsgarden101
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

DJ, I'm waiting for you to find orchids out there! ;)

Kingston, MA

Dave, I do have lady slippers! :)


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

LOL - how about gold/diamonds?

Kingston, MA

Hmmm Anita does that require digging ? LOL


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

nope - they just lay there waiting to be found and loved!

Kingston, MA

LOL I have never been so lucky ! ...........Deep Sigh!


Bridgewater, MA(Zone 6b)

Are the bottoms of the leaves a silvery color? If so, you've got an autumn olive. It usually grows on the edges of the woods and it would have those berrries at this time of year. There are a lot of them along Rt. 24. You could also check with the people in the tree forum. Some of the people in there are really good at IDs.


This message was edited Jul 2, 2006 12:57 AM

Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

How about a Juneberry, also called a Serviceberry?

Kingston, MA

Greg, leaves are not silvery .............I have been researching and think it might be a honeysuckle? Not 100% sure yet but leaning that way!


Kingston, MA

rs..................I think it might be a honeysuckle.............didn't notice flowers earlier this year but leaning that way!


Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

Definitely not a serviceberry if it going to bloom now. Serviceberries are spring bloomers.

Kingston, MA blooms sorry I confused you. Only berries right just might be a serviceberry, I am beginning to think leaves are too big to be a honeysuckle.


Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Honeysuckle is blooming now over here.

Kingston, MA

Hi Dave, I have some honeysuckle and it has already bloomed here. Are our zones that different? Wow huh!


Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

I will photograph my serviceberries tomorrow, but I am trying to link another photo from this site of a serviceberry. This photo sure looks like yours.

Kingston, MA

rs thanks I do believe the leaves look the same at a quick glance going to get a better close up of leaves on mine to compare. Any help is greatly appreciated !

Thank You


Endicott, NY

I have the same bushes all along the back, too. I'm pretty sure it's honeysuckle. But it's a wild one. The flowers it gets aren't like the ones on the vine, they're not really anything like it. very small. It's always popping up all over the place, and I'm constantly cutting it back and pulling seedlings. I think the birds spread the seeds. I keep it because it is good for a background filler, but I'm always pruning it to suit my needs.

Concord, NH

It is a bush honeysuckle, but it's not wild, it's feral. It's an foreign invasive that's spread by birds eating the berries and spreading the seeds in droppings. I have it in the woods all over my land along with barberry and buckthorn, and if there are any wild areas or parks within a 5 mile radius of your house, I'd suggest ripping it out as it can be quite a problem. I'll be spending the rest of my life ripping out this type of plant that was planted years ago on my old farm but has taken over the woods.

Kingston, MA

Babs...............thanks for all the information. I am never happy to find any one plant or bush that can become a constant pain to keep under control. That is not my idea of how I would prefer to spend my time in grooming and upkeep for our yard. I also believe the original honeysuckles were planted or developed a very long time ago and have spead to many other locations on our lot. Going to do my best to minimize their presence in the yard. Again thanks!


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