Rose of Sharon Buds Yipeeeeeee first year!

Kingston, MA

I just got this white chiffon rose of sharon bush this year and have had to baby it so much but after all this rain I see buds and am so happyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Can't wait to see the flowers!


Thumbnail by djsgarden101
Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

I have loads of seedlings- about 2 years old, white with a maroon throat - they will do well in your zone - You are welcome to as many as you would like!
Somehow I always end up with way too many seeds, which translates into way too many seedlings -
Please post a photo when this one blossoms-

Kingston, MA

Thank you Jrush and I will be sure to post a picture, I am not experienced enough yet to collect the seeds ? How do you do that? If you don't mind my asking and thank you for the offer of the seedlings, I would love some. Just let me know if you would like to trade or sase as they say. If I learn to collect mine I will be more than happy to share :)


Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

The seeds are in the spent flower head, after the frosts have killed back the leaves. It will form a small round pod about the size of an acorn after flowering. The pod will splay out to disperse the seeds as it dries out. I always pluck the pods, allow them to dry a little more, then remove the seeds. I think they require stratifying - a cold spell to make the seeds germinate.
Send me your address via email, & let me know how many you would like. I can never find homes for all of them that sprout each year - So nice to know someone will appreciate them!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Julie, I would like some seedlings if the offer is still on.

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