Anybody has experience with Podophyllum veitchii ?

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

In early spring I bought a beauty with the name label : Podophyllum veitchii 'marbled leaves'.
I have planted him in a pot for the time being until I'm sure for its right location in my shadow rich garden. I would not like to lose it.
Has anybody experience with it ? Does it prefer full shadow or does it like some sun ?
What type of soil does it require etc..
The drawings on the leaves were more pronounced at the time I bought it, but it's still very beautiful.

Thumbnail by bonitin
Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Podophyllum is a mayapple, they are a woodland plant, so part-shade to shade,but not deep,dense shade. Rich soil like you would find in the woods after years of leaves falling down & decaying.
You have a beautiful plant, it' so shiny.

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Only to mention that the shiny aspect is due to me washing the leaf. (a bird had passed by !). Its normal aspect is velvety.

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

I've grown it for maybe five years, in the ground in a pretty tough climate in the midwest U.S., down to 20 below F. I grow it in full shade... it seems to me it burns pretty easily in the sun here (we get very hot, though... in your climate it would probably tolerate sun better). The only tricky thing here is that it tends to stick its nose above ground very early, and can get frozen, so occasionally I have to stick a pot over it for a night or two if it gets below freezing.

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Zonedenial for your reply. I think I will plant mine also in full shade. I am not sure to what climate zone Belgium belongs, but it is considered as moderate like the rest of Western Europe. Fact is that the climate here is very unstable, temperatures can easily rise or drop 10°C and more from one day to the other. At this very moment there is a heat wave with temperatures over 30°C. My plants who get afternoon sun are suffering and some even show sunburn on the leaves. They did not have time to gradually adapt to the sudden tropical conditions, because the spring here was abnormally chilly and somber, hardly any sun at all.

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

I thought I should show a picture of exactly the same plant I've shown last year.
Amazing how its appearance has changed! Its leaves have grown very large, it is more divided and the marbled effect is more pronounced. I'm really very happy with it and probably it might even bloom this year.

Thumbnail by bonitin
Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

I't beautiful, sure looks like it is happy were you have it. How much sun/shade is it getting?

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Thanks Shady!

I have taken great care in preparing the soil for it; digged a deep and wide hole and filled it up with a mixture of good potting soil, leaf mold and peat. It receives plenty of light but only about an hour sun in the mornings.

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Wow! Your veitchii looks great... it should bloom this year from the look of it. Here it is blooming here last May (not the best picture in the world).

Thumbnail by zonedenial
Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Don, for your picture. Now I have an idea how the flowers are going to look. I've never seen one blooming. I'm planning to buy more of these fascinating plants. I thought they would be very picky and difficult, because it was quit expensive, but it seems to be strong and pest resistant.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I love that plant and am going to start looking for one myself. Im always looking for new and different plants for my backyard It beautiful. I'll have write down the name though I'll never remember that. Good luck. Ronna

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Made a better picture this morning of the P.veitchii.'marbled leaves'.
Just wanted to share my enthusiasm for this plant!

Thumbnail by bonitin
Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Wow, Happy plant!

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

A stunning plant! Thanks for the pics bonitin.


Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Does anybody knows how to propagate Podophyllum ?
I've put this question in the propagation forum, but had no answer yet. perhaps I'll bee more lucky here ?

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