Bayer All in One

Brewster, MA(Zone 6b)

I've just started using this on my roses, which are responding well. It says it can be used on irises, too.

Now that some of my rain-soaked iris are getting leaf spot, I'm wondering whether something like this, with fungicide, might be good for them. Good idea to use it, not good, neutral?

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

What all is in it and in what amounts?

Brewster, MA(Zone 6b)

9-14-9 fertilizer plus

Tebuconazole 0.8% Imidaclopid 0.15% systemic fungicide/insecticide.

I'm confused about fertiziling too -- surfing the web results in advice from bone meal only, to 10 10 10, none at all, to 25-25-25. ??

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Unless you're growing irises in extremely sandy or gravelly soil (something that drains exceptionally quickly), you should keep your nitrogen number (the first one) at 6 or lower. Too much nitrogen tends to promote leaf growth at the expense of blooms and may also leave your bearded irises more vulnerable to bacterial soft rot.

As far as recommended levels of potassium and phosphorous are concerned, that really depends on the current condition of your soil. My soil, for instance, is very potassium-poor, so I always have to add it when fertilizing or amending. Your best bet is to have a soil analysis done so you don't risk overfertilizing and poisoning your plants, or underfertilizing and leaving them lacking for essential nutrients.

I don't know if any fungicide can treat an active fungal infection. I expect you'll first have to remove any infected leaves or parts of leaves and then apply fungicide to try to prevent reoccurrence. The generally recommended procedure for fungal leaf spot is to alternate between two or more different fungicides on an every-two-weeks application schedule.


Brewster, MA(Zone 6b)

Guess it's time for conservative treatment. If the sun ever comes out again, I'll divide what's there, soak 'em, sun 'em, re-plant making sure there's plenty of room, and see what happens.

In other, less sunny beds, this has worked pretty well.

Normally this bed IS sunny, and not problematic.

It's the weather. Yipes.

I note that others on the East Coast are now experiencing these torrential rains. Not much fun.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I do use Bayer systemic fungicide - not with the plant food in it - on my iris because I have leaf spot and it works very well. I alternate it with Daconil and treat every two weeks. That and removing affected foliage keeps the leaf spot in check. It was so bad it was actually destroying my iris which it isn't supposed to do. I use 6-10-10 food on my iris.

Brewster, MA(Zone 6b)

That's a good idea. Thanks.

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