Too much of a good thing...

Emmaus, PA(Zone 6a)

we have had rain here for days now.. and its expected to continue through all of next week.. My annual bed is looking a bit flattened, pond is overflowing a bit.. Tomatoes and other veggies need some warmth!
Gosh, i hope the rain lets up for a time.. Need some sun around here.. even i am feeling wilted with all the rain!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

terri, you got a lot more than we did here in upper Dauphin County. This event gave us about 11" over several days. In fact, we got 3/4" last night and this AM.But it has recharged our groundwaters. I keep telling myself that we are not in a drought this spring anyway. I drove north through fields of corn that were 2-3 inches high on Memorial day. They are well above your knees up north here, a very good sign.

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