
Averill Park, NY

Hi I actually have 2 questions I hope someone can help answer. Last fall my mom and daughter wer playing with a plant in my garden, that had pretty pink flowers. THey didnt care about the flowers, but were taking the leaves, sliding them around between their fingers and then blowing air into them,. My Mom called these "balloon plants" does anyone have any idea the real name? My mom remebers them from her childhood in CT, and I live in Albany NY area.
Second question, my grandfather had flowers he brought home from Canada one time, which he called Canadian roses...they are about 12-18" high with straight stalks with 2" leaves every so often, and then yellow flowers on the top...kind of one flower per on stalk type thing. ANy one have any ideas a name for these also?


Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I have no idea for your first question. For the second , do you mean sundrops (evening primrose, oenathera [spelled wrong] )?

Wellington, OH

Sounds like a type of sedum - are the leaves a pale green and thick? I can remember blowing the leaves when I was a kid - there is a thin membrane on one side of the leaves that separates and allows air to go in. Maybe "Autumn Joy".

Averill Park, NY

OH MY GOSH!!! THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH. I bet it is evening primrose. And yes the leaves are very light green and thick...THANKS SO MUCH!!

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