Rain rain go away

Brewster, MA(Zone 6b)

I live in New England, where we're not supposed to have tropical downpours. This year, we've had record rain in May, and are heading there for June. It's beating down as I write this, very monsoony, no sun in sight for days to come. I'm worried about my crowded irises in our front bed -- was waiting until July to divide them. Not sure what I can do in the meantime, beyond keeping fingers crossed and hoping for return of sun.

Newfoundland, NJ

Not a whole lot, but try to remove any dead or dying foliage around them to give them as much 'breathing room as possible. Check for signs of rot, and remove it immediately. If any iris are stuck in a low spot and water pooling around it, gently lift a bit with a pitchfork or garden fork, and stick some sand around it, so the rhizome is high. If something is in particularly bad shape, The most vulnerable and dangerous area for rot is the joint where the rhizome and the fan are joined. Try to keep that as exposed to the air as possible.
Good luck.

Brewster, MA(Zone 6b)

Will do. Thanks so much!

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