To kill or not to kill???

Athol, MA

I've got ants in my Sea Lavender. They're down in the bud area. Should I kill them and, if so, with what? It looks like they're doing some damage.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Many times ants on plants are there to get leftover honeyydew from aphids. Do you have any one them?

Athol, MA

yes, it looks like there might be some aphids. What do I do now? I'd like to catch them before they spread to all of the sea lavendar.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Aphids are pretty easy to get rid of. The are very easy to kill with an insecticide or just spraying them off with the hose works too because they are not very mobile off of plants.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Set the hose to spray - hold the flower head against your hand to prevent damage and spray hard... off go the aphids and until the ants cart them back up into the plant they are stuck on the ground. ~ faster than poison and safer too. ~Blooms

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