Morning Pics of Garden

Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

I have to water well in the morning before I go to work as daily temps now are hovering at 105 to 110.... So took a few minutes to get some updated pics to share.... The corn is only about 3 feet tall and loaded with corn. I'm assuming heat stress. It is something called sugar buns hybrid, I have never grown corn before but was expecting TALL plants to shade the peppers in the rest of the bed. Anybody know why ants are in my corn? Also in the squash blossoms. The long vine wandering through the corn and peppers is one lone cantelope, also never grown before but seems quite happy. The back bed, only the squash is happy, tomatoes are miserable with the high temps.

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Pepper Patch behind corn

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Guardian of the Garden

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Happy Squash

Thumbnail by faronell
Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I have the same problem with ants all over the corn and in the squash blossoms. But your garden looks gorgeous!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Very nice!!! My corn's only about a foot tall and appears to be in stall mode. I'm not really optimistic. I don't have much space, but someone gave me seed, so I just planted 4 little rows to see what would happen. Yours are inspiring me - I feel like I should print the pictures and take them out and give my boys a pep talk!

Porter, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow, I'm impressed.

I always wanted to build some raised beds but never got around to it.

I did do some container gardening. I used the big Sterilite containers. The corn got about 4 ft high, I tried hand pollinating. They grew ears but the kernals never filled in. Oh well, the dried stalks made cool Halloween decorations.

I think I got a total of two tomatoes, lol. The peppers did really well but there was a lot of BER at first, they did better when the weather cooled off. I even grew some potatoes. That was fun :)

Cudos to ya!

This message was edited Jun 27, 2006 6:23 PM

Clawson, MI(Zone 6a)

Forgive my ignorance but I am facinated by your growing seasons. I have lived in Michigan all my life and so I have very little knowledge of growing in warm (Hot) weather states.
Why don't you plant in the cooler time of year? Can you plant in winter? Maybe start in February? I have this image of growing stuff all year long, it's just a day dream of mine.

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