
Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

For some reason, my potatoes have been sitting at the post office for the last three months and no one bothered to tell me they arrived. I opened up the box to take a look and they all seem nice and solid and look like they're in amazingly good condition. And they've got sprouts coming out of them all over the place. :-D I know you're supposed to plant potatoes in spring but do you think they'd grow now? And if not, is there anyway to hold them over until fall so I can try then?

Here's that I have:
Anna Cheeka's Ozette
Rose Finn Apple
Russian Banana

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

I don't think they'll last till fall. Plant them, what have you got to lose?

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

You may only have time to get "new potatoes", but they are yummy, so give it a try................I bet you'll get something good. May be a little dry and you might have to water them some this time of year/

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Back in Virginia, we use to plant fall potatoes in July. So your timing for fall potatoes is about right for planting by mid July and harvesting in late September early October. In years when it rains they do fairly well. Remember Irish potatoes do not tolerate frost.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I planted some potatoes Memorial Day weekend, and a couple are finally sprouting. I planted some last weekend, and I'm going to plant the rest this weekend. The way I figure, I've got two or three months till frost. That's time enough to get some harvest.

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