Nasty Grass.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Don't know what this is called but it invades every place it can!

It's a NC native and seems to prefer shady sites. As you can see from the pic, it roots in as it goes so if you pull it you'll be leaving some behind. It's an insideous thing as it sometimes seem to be barely rooted into the soil, just a few hair-like roots clinging to the earth from an 18" plant. Seems to be perennial and prolly seeds like mad.

Thumbnail by raydio
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

It quickly covers all neighbors. It can be pulled up easily at any stage, but it is just everywhere! Reacts well (dies!) to Round-up but once it's already started, what can you do but pull and cultivate?

Might try a pre-emergent if i can get it in bulk at a good price!


Thumbnail by raydio
Chesapeake Beach, MD

It is most assuredly NOT a NC native. In fact, it's japanese stiltgrass and it is a horrible exotic invasive choking out native flora all over the mid-atlantic. Here's a link with more information. I loathe and despise this plant.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

We get it, too - never knew what it was until now (thanks!) I don't dogcuss it nearly as much as the poison oak, bindweed, creeping charlie, and bermudagrass (which is my personal "public enemy #1.)

And here's a link to its PlantFiles entry for this plant, where you can post your photos and add a comment of your own to warn others:

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh! So that's what that crap was every where in my non lawn when we lived in TN. That stuff was nasty and grew about as fast as Kudzu! And it doesn't mind sun either.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh, OK. Not a native, even though it has made a new home for itself! LOL.

Thanks MaryMD7. Now if only like Rumpel-STILT-skin, it would disappear now that I know it's name!

Thanks for the link. It helps to know I'm not the only one troubled by this weed and I commiserate with all who know how it does cover over everything it can, climbing on those spidery stilts. Nasty, nasty.


Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I have other demonic like plants in my yard that are similar,crab grass and such and the person who said pre emergent is the ticket is right. Wait till everthing is dormant about a month or 2 before stuff comes alive again in spring put it all around and make sure it is getting water if it is crystal form. Then if you see one plant starting put the really strong round up or this cheap stuff called green light that is stronger on any part of it and wait 2 weeks, if it aint dead do it again, if it is near some good plant get a q tip and rub it on strait. You may have to do it off and on the first year but the next year there shouldn`t be anything to reseed.

This message was edited Jul 6, 2006 7:19 PM

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Good idea hellnzn11.

I'm still yanking it out mostly, cursing (cussin') it the whole while. I have Asiatic Dayflower and several Polygonum species that are all mixed in and they get it at the same time.

BTW: Boy, do those Polygonums resist being removed once they've become established.


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