Got FruitFly!

It's that time of year again for me when many of my indoor plants can go outside for the summer. I've been preparing for this day by adding lots of fruit scraps to the composter. Nothing like a good swirl for a Ping or a Drosera over a compost bin loaded with hundreds of Fruit Flies. Yum yum!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

My pings have been happily munching on fungus gnats for a while but based on my last trip to the grocery store, I can't help but wonder if they don't need to rent mine!

My husband thinks I am nuts when I open up the front to the composter and wave my plants around in and amongst all the fruit flies. My babies are thankful for the meal though and that's all that matters!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

My kids are still grossed out by the thought of the carniv. plants, but my grandson and I love the idea!

Yes! Kids certainly are fascinated by them aren't they!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Well yeah, they are the coolest! Just wondering if I can find one big enough to eat a flying cockroach?

Are we round robining to flying cockroaches?

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Well look we just had 4 days of lots of rain and generally after big rains our bugs come out to play and those who have sprayed the perimeter of their homes have to respray lest the buggers find some miniscule crevice which they will take as an invitation to a party! Also, my pings have shown me the value in fungus gnats- which before I thought were worthless creatures, so perhaps there is a plant that will allow me to see the value in flying cockroaches?

Yes, one acquires a new appreciation for fungus gnats once one grows CPs now doesn't one. I'd be careful with those fungus gnats around seedlings but nothing that a little gnatrol won't take care of. Now about those flying cockroaches, surely you have some tall pitchers that would enjoy a few of those little crunchies?

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

No I don't have any, but would they actually eat them? Have been thinking of creating a small bog pond- was it pixydish who showed photos of one she did? Can it be in sun or must it be in shade?


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Perfect, shade is at a premium in my yard.

I have the little 100 gallon and 150 gallon inground bog gardens as well as a few that are considerably smaller but philcula has the big mommas. I don't recall if Pixie has any inground bog gardens but her property is loaded with all kinds of goodies so it wouldn't surprise me if she does.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Well I will try it w/ my grandson- I have an area that is damp anyway, so not much growing there anyway. I have been thinking about this for awhile and now is the time to do it.
Oh by the way I got a new ping, pirouette- I will post pictures when it blooms...if it better bloom!

Just do it! Once you go soggy, you never go back.


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Stop that, your sinister laugh gives me the creeps! LOL only kidding, I think it's way funny!

Get that ping to bloom woman so we can see photos.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I have been talking to it all evening- just arrived today- and assured it that it was in it's best interests to bloom!

Here you go, April!

Ugh, and I even posted in that thread and totally forgot she had added a bog garden. Duh!

Sniff. That's okay. No one even noticed this thread: that I posted a really, really long time ago. Sniff.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh yes I saw the photos of the show! and I bit my tongue, but they copied my display gardens! mmmhhhhmm they did, cause that's just what my yard looks like!

sniff sniff, I saw it.


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