coffee grounds on MOST of my perennials?

Floyd, VA(Zone 6b)

Now that I have access to an apparently endless supply of coffee grounds, I have seen a warning that they might be too acidic for some perennials. Is this true? Which perennials would they be good for? Here in Piedmont VA our soil is red clay, and azaleas and rhododendrons flourish as well as holly and dogwoods. So the soil is on the acid side to begin with. Any suggestions?

Ronkonkoma, NY(Zone 6b)

Everything I have read states that coffee grounds are not acidic (coffee is, but not the grinds). As a matter of fact they act as a pH buffer to regulate pH swings. Just do a search with Google and you will be amazed how much info there is about composting coffee grinds, and how beneficial they are. I save the ones from the office and add them to my compost pile daily, They are great, and worms love them. Keep it up!

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