CLOSED: Strange bee or fly?

Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

I've been seeing these on Gomphrena plants I have this year, never seen them before on anything though. They look like a cross between a fly and a bee, and are quite docile (they hover and will let you 'direct' them with a hand for lack of a better term). anyone have any ideas?

Here's a supercloseup shot.

Thumbnail by Indigoez
Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

Here's one more at more of a distance.

Thumbnail by Indigoez
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I think you hit the nail on the head - common name is a "bee fly" (a lot easier than Bombylius). Great close up!

Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

Yeah it's definitely something along those lines, but that page say they are difficult to approach, while the ones I have don't seem to mind at all having a lens stuck in their faces lol, also that directing thing they let you do as I mentioned above. Thanks for getting me in the right genus though!:-)

Suwanee, GA(Zone 7a)

Here in the South (USA) we have these strange moths that feed on flowers during the day. I know it is not the insect in question but thought you folks would like to see it. G

Thumbnail by go2glenn
Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

We have a moth like that here, only with a banded rear end hehe. I think they're called hawk moths.

Bolivar, TN(Zone 7a)

They are called hawk moths. The other picture may be one of the orchard bees.

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