Melon mountain, and cukes

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

We have a large mountain of soil that has been sitting for a long time, waiting to be spread as soon as we can get someone to come over with a box blade to do it. It's like a 1/2 dumptruck load.

Since that hasn't happened, I got tired of looking at it just sitting there next to garden, so I had DH till it up over the top and planted all kinds of melons and cukes all over it. Should be a sight to see when it's all covered over with vines, cascading down all sides. Actually it's kind of pretty already.

My it okay to grow several kinds of melons , cantalopes and cukes all together randomly like that, or will they cross-pollinate and all be bitter and no good? I have several different varieties of each all growing from the same mountain-top. Think it will work ? Or am I just going to have a tangled mess of jungle up there ?

Also, do squash bugs bother watermelons and cantalopes ? They are awful on my squash, killed 2 vines before I knew they were even there. Sneaky little boogers !

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Cantaloupes, cucumbers, and watermelons don't cross pollinate. Even if they did, it would not effect the fruits until you saved and planted the seed from that crop.

Vine borers which kill most squash don't bother cantaloupes, cukes or watermelons. Stink bugs (squash bugs ) will but seldom do much damage, Most deadly for all three is the striped cucumber beetle.

West Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Is it true that radishes repel cucumber beetle? I planted a ring of radishes around each squash, cucumber or cantaloupe vine, and so far so good, but it could be coincidence. Any other natural measures like that I can take?

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

LOL! Briulliant minds think alike, though mine is on a much smaller scale. I have a compost pile where I dump the dregs of all the potting soil each season - and some coffee grounds, etc. Ran out of room, so I plopped some melon seeds in.

They certainly seem to be happy with the idea!

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