So Long and Fare Thee Well!

Wauconda, IL

I did it...I dug up the yellow flag iris. It wasn't that painful because they didn't even bloom that well this year.

Thumbnail by dodecatheon
Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Where did you get the courage. I have a big clump in a small bog garden. There are two other plants in the bog, blue flag and rumex. I am new to the bog thing. The blue flag I like. The yellow, well it just puts out a lot of foliage for the show. Mine does bloom nicely though. The other plant I have is rumex. The garden center said height 12"!! Oh really! Mine is at two feet (going to seed) and shows no sign of stopping. Who are they kidding? I have been faithfully cutting out the seed stalks but this seems to encourage it even more. What are you planting in place of the yellow flag?

Wauconda, IL

It wasn't too hard, but truth be told I have a bit of a time digging up and composting healthy plants.

In it's place, I planted Dropseed, Boneset, Pale purple coneflower and Royal Catchfly.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Butterflys are gonna love that! Nice combo! Perhaps I can follow your example and summon up the courage to replant the bog.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Maybe I'll get some courage too. I got the variagated, but it's only pretty in the spring. I wasn't thrilled with the blooms. It isn't even an attractive grower. I wish you had gotten brave before I mulched my bed. Giggle!

Wauconda, IL


About half of the yellow flag was variegated. The rest was not. The deciding factor was that it did not bloom well this year, though I really liked the variegated foliage ones. For the foliage, LOL! That still was not a good enough reason to keep it, because I know what it can do when it gets into wetlands.

the fact that the bloom was underwhelming made the decision a little easier, though.

The extremely, horribly hard thing for me to get rid of is going to be the white butterfly bush, though. It has the most beautiful blooms.

Thanks, Snapple! I hope it turns out as good as I hope it does, LOL!

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