Slow updating of edits in journal

Canby, OR(Zone 8b)

I've started using the journal and am very excited about the possibilities. One thing I find frustrating is that it seems like the edits I make to my journal, whether they be adding or changing, seem to take 10-15 minutes to take affect. This was the same way when first setting up the journal. It took me through the first 3 steps but each step took like 10-15 minutes before the website realized I completed the task such as adding my first category.

Is this normal? Very frustrating.

Canby, OR(Zone 8b)

ah.... I just discovered the Refresh or F5 key helps speed things up a bit. Still very strange. Oh well. Still happy as a lark.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

It may be your browser isn't set to update itself each time it accesses a page...

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