Will roosters fight later

Smithville, Canada

I've got that new rooster who's only 14 wks old. I let the silkie rooster 'meet' him and he sized him up and then let him know who was boss. The young one just run away from him, even though he's twice the size. Then they mostly just went their seperate ways. Every time the silkie came close the young one just went the other direction. Will it just stay that way or would the young one start fighting him some day? Wondering if I let them 'run' around together now, while the one is still young, will they 'learn' to get along?

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Usually they will form a "Pecking" order or a dominant order, any one who gets out of line will usually be run off or jumped on. But if a young one decides to stand his ground , there definitely will be a fight!
I have only one older Roo right now , and several young ones that are just starting to crow! They have always given the older one his space and respect! They are too busy right now play acting at fighting! It looks at first like the real thing but you soon see they are just bowing up and showing off! I would guess that once I do separate the Roo's with their mates I would never be able to put them in the same pen again! Probably would spell disaster!!

Smithville, Canada

If they're not seperated and allowed to all run together will they form their own 'groups' with one rooster having certain hens and the other his hens? Or will the 'exchange' hens. The silkies stay in the enclosure because there's a 3 ft. fence that they don't go over. But the Plymouth Rock just jumps up and over. So I'm assuming that the Columbian, Harco will also. They've already jumped up on that fence. For now I'm keeping the new roo closed in so he makes that his 'home', but hope to eventually allow him out.
Another question. When I picked the rooster up, the guy said if I put the rooster in with the other chickens when its dark and they wake up together they will likely be ok together. Would this work with the Plymouth Rock. She doesn't seem to let any of them near her. She appeared to be coooing at the new rooster through the fence so I 'introduced' them and she just pecked at him. Wondered if putting them together in the dark would help.

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Believe me , If a Roo has the "opportunity", he will take it, then Run like you know what,if the territorial Roo catches him!
If you " Aquaint the new ones through a cage or fencing for at least a week, then put them together , they should be fine. They will be stand offish for a while but nature takes its course. I dont recommend adding mor Roos to a small flock though! I Would think ,1 Roo for at least 10 Hens would be fine!
New older Roos should have their own Hens! Even if you had to separate some from the first flock and assign them to the new Roo! I would put a wire top on the area for the new Roo too,to keep him in with his own Hens!

Smithville, Canada

Any suggestions for that 'cranky' PR? I was hoping to get some chicks from her.

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Id just let her be for a while!! She will know when shes ready!

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