Deer and the Drought

Tyrone, GA(Zone 7b)

The deer are coming close to my house to graze on anything edible. Right up to the front door which they did not do last year. The drought must be making food scare in the wooded areas so they are desperate for anything. Anyone else having deer problems? I have sprayed with "liquid fence" which is so stinky it should keep the deer and anything else away!

Valdosta, GA(Zone 8b)

Poor deer couldn't make their way up to my house if they wanted to. I've got so many darn rednecks to either side that they'd be shot and gutted before their lips even touched the greenery.

When I told one of them about seeing lots of deer along my route to work, he wrangled a promise from me to call if ever I hit one with the car. Good eatin' I guess. I have no problem with the idea of hunting; I just prefer my meat to be anonymous. Never could stand eating at my boyfriend's house and having all those eyes staring down at me from the wall. *shudder*

Cordele, GA

If you hit one good and solid, it is more likely that you will be calling 911. I have seen two cars that hit Bambi's Mamma square on and the result was not just a fender bender. I see a lot of deer on the back roads to my school. They are just as likely to run across in front of you as they are to turn and run.

Everything that I read indicates that deer are trainable, but that it takes time. I am lucky that they don't come into my yard often. I think that there are too many dogs roaming the neighborhood for the deer to feel comfortable dining here. I see tracks in the alley and, now and then, we see them coming from the wooded patch between the high school and our residential area.

Valdosta, GA(Zone 8b)

I've had a couple of friends total their cars on "Bambi's mother". Don't know what happened to the carcass, but a co-worker hit one with the left corner of her Expedition. The left corner of her car looks like crud, but she's got a freezer full of meat. *shudder*

I've seen two deer in my neighborhood in the 8 years I've lived here, but I think most of them are scared off by the gunshots. It's a hobby with my neighbors. Not too annoying except around holidays when they're either shooting to celebrate or letting off a few rounds on the new gun they just got for Christmas/Birthday/Whatever.

Not saying the whole South is like this, mind you, but I live in sorta a woodsy area (and a trailer park to boot, while I save money to buy a house). Ever seen a trailerpark wedding complete with plastic gazebo, metal folding chairs, and a wedding party with Budweisers that never left their hands? I have. And the bride was several months pregnant to boot.

Cordele, GA

In our old neighborhood in Birmingham shooting off guns was the firework of choice for the Fourth and New Years. I could go out into the street and pick up a double handful of shell casings. And I have attended at least one wedding where the bride and her mother wore prom formals to show off their tatoos.


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