What's Blooming in Canada part 3

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

I've been waiting to have something worth while to post, then the time and energy to post! Finally, that time has arrived.

starting with an overview of the back yard. We just tore down a metal shed on the left there where the cement pad is.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

this is, I think , the same bush that someone was just asking an ID question about. I don't remember the name though, silly me!

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

and there's another bush next to it that blooms at the same time, but it's white.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Jasmine. I tell you, this has been wonderful smelling, fills the whole kitchenwith it's scent. (it's just outside the kitchen)

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

fuschia bush by the back gate and the Rose of Sharon tree, that you can't see in the yard photo. They are out of shot on the bottom right.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

for those of you that were at the DG Canadian RU '05, this is one of the flax that we got out of Heathers compost! It's having a great time blooming. The honey bees and humming birds love it.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

close up of the flax bloom

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

and I'm really excited about my Bird of Paradise. It blomed, although I had the flower spike slowly growing for 8 months on my deck, it finally bloomed. The blooms each have lasted about a month, and the first one is just dying now.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

and tonight, I have my first brugmansia bloom of the season. It's Peaches and Cream. The scent is wonderful!.

Enjoy! and lets see what everyone else has blooming now that summer is almost here.

Kitchener, ON(Zone 5b)

MG99: So beautiful! I wish I could grow bird's of paradise in my yard.

Unlike many of you, I don't have a lot in bloom at the moment. Its a brand new garden and I've planted a lot of first year perennials -- they will look glorious next year! There are buds on a lot of the annuals I planted but no blooms quite yet. And many of my poor plants were eaten very quickly by the horde of snails I have living under the perriwinkle the previous home owner planted everywhere. Even though I've pulled up most of their habitat I've still lost all my french marigolds, most of my nicotiana, and about half of my salvia! And most of my other plants have a hole here or there *grumble, grumble*.

Anyway, I was going to wait until some of my plants were a bit more mature before posting, but I just took some photos last night of the few that are bloom so I might as well post them.

Left to Right, top to bottom:
A) Field marigolds
B) group of coleus that are a little crowded (oh well) and are going to be re-potted this weekend.
C) Petunia - fantasy pink hybrid. I just love this colour.
D) Some oxeye daisies that must have seeded themselves last year. They are just everywhere!
E) A black-eye susan about to bloom. I love this plant so much so I planted them inside in March for earlier blooms.

Will post more when I actually get flowers!

Thumbnail by heavenlybubbles
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

humph say she grouchily. Don't think my flax will ever bloom. Wrong climate possibly (laughing)

However, can report that while my iris are reduced to mainly siberians, (beardeds are finished for this year), First Spuria bloomed today. A great yellow/bronze. Will have to send photo to someone to put on this thread as I can't seem to get photos on here at the mo.

Edited to add a name ??? also correct numerous typos
Yes I CAN spell..

This message was edited Jun 15, 2006 11:23 AM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

My June garden.
A corner of the back yard beds.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Gold mound spirea with Palace Purple Heuchera- never been so big as this year.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Weigela - really popped this year. early spring and just the right amount of sun and rain I guess. They are not reliably hardy here.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The clematis fence(just finished flowering) and the flower bed in the veggie garden.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The other side(west) of the clematis fence

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The hosta bed under the tree lilac which is just starting to bloom.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Lilac and iris and flax in the front yard.. The lilacs and the honeysuckle have been absolutely fabulous here this year. No pics - I never remember to travel with my camera!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Wow Fancy, your garden is gorgeous! I've been to Calgary many times and your garden is a wonderful as any I've seen. If I may ask, what part of Calgary do you live? My brother is in Varsity. His garden is also quite nice but I have not been there this year to 'clean it up', so it has probably gone to pot!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

How wonderful to see your yard again Linda! Ü It's looking gorgeous. Lovely to see the Bird of Paradise blooming for you again. I was especially studying the NZ Flax and wondering if I'll ever see mine bloom here. ;) Would the one plant be a trumpet vine (campsis radicans)?

Heavenly Bubbles your yard will be showing off all your efforts soon! :^))

Fancy when I last saw your yard it was showing the beginnings of great beauty......what a treat to be able see it now! Ü

This message was edited Jun 15, 2006 2:23 PM

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

mg the white bush is that call snow drif ,if it is its three times the size of mine.
Todd your back havent seen you in here in a wile,bet you dont have time to stop and think this time of the year did you see the thread in canadain bambo you should look it up .

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Weigela! that the name of the red flowering bush. Yes it is putting on a show this year. I truely don't know the name of the white bush. Fancyvan nice yard, and puppy!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Linda I think maybe that white flowered bush is a Bridal Wreath Spirea. And yes the your other is a Weigela

Todd I live in Killarney which is the other side of the river from Varsity. It is an older inner city neighborhood.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

here's a close up of the 'white bush'

Thumbnail by MG99
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

A few scenes from around my garden....this one features my 'windmill' from Loblaws!

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

My Jap Maple, Sumini gashi

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

My shade garden which is brightened up by my Fullmoon Maple

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

and my alpine wall along the front of the house.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
stettler, AB(Zone 3a)

Wow,everyone has such beautiful gardens !
Todd ,your Full moon Maple and Jap Maple..how tall will
they grow and are they strictly for zone 5 ?
Fancyvan ,you say that weigela is not hardy here ,
since you are not that far from me ,how do you protect it in the winter
Do you know the name of your Weigela?
Should be getting a camera soon ..would like to share
Happy gardening :)

(Zone 7b)

My favourite rose blooms in bouquets: Graham Thomas

Thumbnail by 2zeus
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Todd, your garden is wonderful. Hope I find a windmill like that some day. Looks great in amongst the foliage. Also really like your Alpine border. Very nice.

2zeus, your rose bouquet is lovely. Gotta watch for that one. Great photo.


St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Both maples are only hardy to zone 5. For Albertans, the closest you can get to the Japanese maple look would be tatarian Maple. Not quite as nice but wonderful fall colour.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Beautiful gardens from sea to sea. Thanks for all the pictures. My Weigela is also doing well in Ottawa. Todd, what is the proper pronunciation of the name Weigela?

Here's a pic of a row of peonies with the Weigela at the end of the row.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

And further down the side of the house - Foxglove with a backing of Mock Orange.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

My favourite Iris - have no idea what the variety is - was in full bloom last week.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

And the Clematis in front of the house has been doing really well since we took down an overgrown juniper that was next to it.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

eastmetwest:That Weigela is Centennial and the tag lists it as Zone 3.(dont think that is correct) I have another 'Tango' listed as Zone 4. But most of them seem to be rated as Zone 4 or 5. Mine is a few years old and was initially in a part shade location against a north fance because I thought it was more protected there. Didnt do well and 3 years ago I moved it into full sun on the south side of a north fence and it has done very well. I dont give it anyother protection. Fair amount of snow there as I shovel it off the patio beside it. I think it is just not anyway near as big as it gets in the east or in BC

Ann I have always wondered about the pronounciation too. I always spelled it Wiegelia , accent on the 'gel' and both my tags spell it that way.When I looked it up in Plant Files I see there is no 'i' .

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

The Botanary says Weigela is pronounced "wy-GEE-la" or, alternatively, "wy-JEE-la". I think I have tended to pronounce it "way-GEE-la" - now I know better :-)


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