variegated virginia creeper need advice

Laguna Niguel, CA(Zone 10a)

I have a large pergola that we built last year. I planted wisteria on both sides and then realized that we needed to add another layer to the top of pergola to get adqueate shade. In the following two months, the wisterias were into everything so I decided since we have the shade in the roof, we didn't need such a rapid grower and pulled them out, gave them away. I decided instead to do a few different vines. I had purchased a variegated virginia creeper and it was in too much shade, not doing anything around the garage. So this year I transplanted it at one post of the pergola. It still isn't doing much. On the other corners I put in a clematis and climbing hydrangea. They are also not doing much yet and I expected them to go very slow and that is why I transplanted the VC. I am getting cold feet about this VC as I've read nothing complaints about their invasivness. We have a lot of trees planted around the pergola, and if they tend to crawl into shrubs and trees, it won't work. It is really a beautiful plant with the white splatterings but I got rid of the wisteria because I didn't want a full time job trying to control a vine. We have a lovely new yard with a pond and the look is very lush and tidy. I really want something that will cover the pergola and be very manageable to maintain. Perhaps I should stick with clematis. I have two out front and they have really taken off. I just didn't think they got big enough to cover a 15 X 20 foot pergola. Please help. This yard is my baby and the pergola area is visible from inside the house as well as central to entertaining. I am enclosing a link that has lots of photos I took the other day. It gives a better sense of the yard. I haven't seen much posting on this site about the variegated virginia creeper. All I found is that it isn't as invasive as the oringinal VC but still is a voracious spreader. We have a lot of roof on this but I want something that is manageable.

Zone 5B


Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Can't speak for the northwest; but out here in VA and NC, Virginia creeper takes over the world once it gets a good start. Same for trumpet vine: when I made the mistake of planting it in VA, it ran amok and took over all the beds. Would moonflower grow in your area? Good luck!

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