A Few Clematis Photos - June 12, 2006

Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

It's 8:30 pm here and I just took a few photos. I lost a lot of plants this past mild winter, but still have some stuff!


P.s. I don't know the names to a lot of them but I'll do my best to guess! That's not good, I realize this...

Just a bed..

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

'Polish Spirit' (Someone ID' this for me)

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

Another 'Polish Spirit' in a different location. Growing on my neighbors "junK", with a capital "K"; as well as growing through and on top of my Dwarf Korean Lilac.

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

'Blue Moon' Still pounding out blooms.

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

'Etiole Violet' and Picea glauca 'Arneson's Blue Variegated'

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

'Niobe' ??? - (I generally shop for clematis at big box stores)....Does this seem right, I ask?

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

I'm just guessing: 'Will Goodwin/Goodman' or something like that. I know I planted a "Will- Somebody" somewhere along the line:

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

'Rhapsody' (one of two I have)

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

The other 'Rhapsody':

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

My psycho mutant clematis going on it's fifth year:

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

The variation this plant produces, flower-wise:

Thumbnail by conifers
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

Last photo - The "Mutant":

See ya!

Thumbnail by conifers
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Great photos!

Whatcha' got growing in those flats, in the first picture? I was squinting trying to see them, lol...

Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi seedpicker, thank you!

Those flats are 95% or better conifer seedlings and rooted conifers from this year. My garden is loaded, I say loaded with woody seedlings for future grafting understock/rootstock.

See ya,


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

ah...thus your main interest, and therefore your membername. Makes sense.



Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

Yup. I am mad though that I didn't label the clematis I've planted. I guess I'll just keep posting as they bloom.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I know what you mean...I didn't really care about the names of stuff until I joined the gardening forums...now I am very particular about it.

I think it just rubs off on you when everyone else wants to know the "name" of something...

Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

Well, I'm thinking differently. I knew better!

See ya seedpicker


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Dax: Your garden is lookin' great this year again! I always enjoy your pictures of Clematis, "Rhapsody". BTW, it is "Will Goodwin". You are so lucky that it is blooming for you! Mine got Clematis Wilt and is gone for this season. I'm hoping that it will come back stronger next year.

Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

Thank you my darling shirley!

Silver Star Vinery is calling still, but I'm pretty broke for now.

Clematis are crazy. I've had at least 1/2 a dozen wilt this year and lost maybe 10 plants!

A friend stopped on through and gave me a big Tree Pot division of 'My Angel' - that appears to be quite breathtaking. I'm letting it fill the pot at the moment but it's going up on my pergola for certain. Then, I've purchased a 'Comtesse de Buchard' and an 'Artic Queen' planted side by side on their own trellis.

Got lots of buds coming on my 'Montana Rubens' and my 'Jackamani Superba' I noticed yesterday. This Shirley, is the first year my "Jackamani Superba' has come to life. My other 'Jackamani' gets wilt every year and again is doing nothing this year.

Still though, a terrible year for my garden plants. Lost hosta's (If you can believe that! and in a mild winter) a zone 6 passionflower CAME BACK in full force in fact I learned that it spreads by underground runners. Passiflora incarnata of course. They are still popping up all over the place and my original planting while just beginning to grow a week ago, is going to be a monster. The others I keep plucking and planting elsewhere. I should have a great show at some point in a month or so.

Well, this is my morning ramble - without coffee!

Thanks again Shirley,


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Dax: Lucky you getting "My Angel". Please post pictures of it when available. Also looking forward to seeing Montana "Rubens". It should make a spectacular show. Good thing that "Jackmanii Superba" was bred by hybridzers. Probably a lot of growers were experiencing wilt with the original form of "Jackmanii".

Don't understand why you lost some of your Hostas. Do you think it is do to insects, disease or drying out? You might want to post that question on the Hosta Forum.

Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

Shirley, it's unexplainable. I also for the very first time ever lost potted conifers and deciduous azaleas I overwinter in the garage. They never dry out bone dry and I've never lost a single potted plant in 4 years prior to last winter. But I actually know the answer or well I think I do.

The weather (and while I'm a person who waters avidly - just for the facts) for years now around here has been increasingly warm well into January at times where the grass is still green for example and, we had several cold snaps that dropped well below zero a couple times during this prolonged fall-like winter which did cause a lot of dieback on a lot of woody plants in my garden - which normally the plants would have hardened off much, much earlier. I realize this is kind of a roundabout way of explaining things, but I think you understand what I'm trying to get at. ...And this of course is that the plant material did not harden off properly, in general.

That's my educated theory because I'm sure at some point it was explained to me or I figured it out myself, I think it might have been explained to me actually. So I guess credit is deserved to someone out there.

Anyway, lol, it's been nice chatting with myself!

Forbid that should happen:)

See ya,


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