Pruning/cutting back Daturas

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have a plain old simple white Sacred Datura that has really taken off here lately. I have it in a half barrel, on my porch and it is doing really well. We had some construction going on this weekend, and it got a little damaged. One whole branch was split and is almost falling off, although it doesn't seem to be dying off. Anyways, my question is (since the whole plant seems to be growing out of control) do you prune a datura or cut it back at all to try and train/shape it? And if so, when and how far?

PiggyPoo :0)

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Im by far no expert but if mine start to take over I just nip back what is needed. I like the natural shape but I have other plants too so I cut only the leaves in the way I tend to leave the branches alone. This is just my way but Im sure someone that knows much more than I will be along to tell you the best way. 8)

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

I cut back my Daturas hard in the spring and they come back bushy. Some people like them with a single trunk, maybe it gets taller and you can look up at the blooms, that would be cool.

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