Quail in the greenhouse

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

Every spring I open the end of the greenhouse, empty most of the plants out of it, and use it as a sheltered area for growing out sensitive starts. This year I left the lawnmower in it for a while, since I don't use it much (lawns are only for kids to play on and for feeding the compost piles, as far as I can tell). My wife had reported finding a bird in the greenhouse a week ago, and twice last week I also found a spooked bird frantically trying to get out when I went in to water. So, it shouldn't have been much of a surprise when I backed the lawnmower out this weekend and discovered something underneath. Those are old banana leaves wrapped around the nest.

I put the lawnmower back without using it.

Thumbnail by tropicalaria
Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Thats too cool!

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh wow, I would be so thrilled! Thank you for sharing.

Las Cruces, NM(Zone 8a)

What a find!! What kind of quail do you have in your area? That's a lot of potential babies there...

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

Um, the regular kind? :)
I have no idea. There are a lot of quail here in the shrub steppe (pronounced 'desert') but they all look alike to me. Round, speckled brown things that think they can outrun the cars and seem to fly like a chicken. If you think you can identify them, I'll try to grab a picture.

They hang around my yard for all of the seedy grapes that grow on the fence, and they always seem to find something to peck at, no matter what time of year it is.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Ahhh .. how very blessed you guys are, tropicalaria !!

Please .. do, find some time to take a few photos of the quail, and post 'em .. to share with us.
I'd sure like to take a wee stab at helping to ID the quail. (Jes don't hold yer breath, counting on any accuracy, on my part - heehee)
But, still would like to participate in the opportunity ..

I'm tickled, that you opted to re-park the mower, and fetched ya camera. Quite a spectacular shot, for sure!!

- Magpye

This message was edited Jun 12, 2006 9:23 PM

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I hope they all hatch. I collect quail figurines, and they're hard to find. The really old ones have the quail looking over it's shoulder. I love quail.

Las Cruces, NM(Zone 8a)

I really only know two kinds of quail...the Gambels quail I have here, and Bobwhite quail (which we saw only once at our previous home in Texas.) So unless it's one of those, the ID is up to you, Magpye!

I was just curious, I'm sort of focused lately on learning how to be better parents to our quail. Maybe I need to plant grape vines...

Graham, NC(Zone 8a)


Hollar if you need help with the ID, I may be able to help.


LOL, thousands could get out of mowing the yard by using your picture

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

(LOL .. oldmudhouse .. LOL)
Now, THAT was truly a good giggler for me this mornin'! .. I appreciate it very much so. (heehee)

Ha! .. 'Up to me' .. my eye! That's my point. I can't trust my eyesight much anymore. If it wasn't for most all of the fantastic photos and some of their ideal posted sizes - it would be an utterly useless undertaking for me.

Besides, it's revealed right here in this very thread, that there are three distinct possiblities: Gambels, Bobwhite, and the 'regular kind'. .. heehee .. (am merely luvinly teasin' you a bit, tropicalaria) It's the same as with angeles' crows on her thread - they'd hafta be holding their respective ID 'signs' before I could come close!! (lol) Seems that the Mountain and the California will quail-ify as possibilities, as well ...

Ahhh, ya goobers, you! I haint called 'dibbs' on the deal - - I jes wanna see any and all of the pitters available!!! .. heehee ..

Wouldn't it be something tho' .. to be able to watch and (maybe) witness the hatchin' & the fledgin' of a clutch of lil quailers. Their antics while learning coordination, maneveuring and feeding .. would jes hafta be an ultimate joy and some superb entertainment; to be blessedly privy to seeing it 'real' for yourselves. Heck, I'd move out to the green house so's not to risk missing any opportunity. (especially since we now know - there's less 'snake' threat in WA)!!


- Magpye

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

Y'all are a hoot.

I can identify thousands of plants by sight, but in my garden I feel pretty good that I can differentiate sparrows, finches, blackbirds, crows, magpies, seagulls, quail, pheasants, and robins. Beyond that, I know not, and know that I know not. I also have a 40'x40' bing cherry tree which seems to draw the larger birds in great numbers.

Today, it is raining. All of the quail are tucked away, and I don't really want to disturb the one in the greenhouse to get a shot. Maybe tomorrow. This rain has to let up soon or all of my cherries are going to split...

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

Mama quail on her nest.

Thumbnail by tropicalaria
Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by tropicalaria

Oh, she is beautiful!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

She is beautiful. I'd say she's a Gambel.

Las Cruces, NM(Zone 8a)

Hey, how did my quail get in your greenhouse? I think she's a Gambel too. Thanks so much for the wonderful photos!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Ahhh, tropicalaria ..

She is a stunning lil beauty of a dedicated momma quail! Ahhh, be still my heart ...

Luv both of those shots, but that last one .. puts us right there beside her.
And for what it may be worth ...I am most appreciative of your retaining some size to them before uploading. Truly feasting, and most delectably so, on this end of the cyber spectrum. I thank you, most sincerely ...

- Magpye

Thumbnail by Magpye

The Gambel's and California are almost identical, aren't they? Because of the range and scaled nape she must be a California girl ;o
she is really gorgeous.. positively glowing

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

In WA, it has to be California Quail (occurs in BC, WA, OR, CA, ID, NV, UT) - Gambel's only occurs in AZ, NM, NV, UT, southeast CA.

Also note the scaly pattern at the back of the head, that indicated Calif Quail; Gambel's is plainer grey there


Las Cruces, NM(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the correction angele and Resin. (I wondered how my girl got all the way to WA.) That's what I get for impersonating a real birder!!

This message was edited Jun 15, 2006 10:28 AM

not intended as a correction, I am by no means a birder.

edited to add: this didn't 'type' out as intended my apologies to everyone because this is a lovely, lovely thread

PLEASE continue....

This message was edited Jun 15, 2006 12:14 PM

Las Cruces, NM(Zone 8a)

Hi angele, goodness, I hope I didn't misstep. Truth be told, the bird I am most familiar with is the fried chicken at Walmart! I hope to do better with the help of folks here. I do hope I didn't choose the wrong word in my post, I just wanted to thank both of you for providing more accurate info. That is how I can learn things, and I really appreciate it.

I can't get my girl Gambels to sit still long enough so I can look at the back of their heads :-) and my bird ID books are still packed away in a moving box. So, you folks are truly helpful!

Las Cruces, NM(Zone 8a)

angele, I was wondering, do you have any Gambels quail chicks showing up in your yard yet? We only have one we've been watching for ten days. Which is why I am so jealous of tropicalaria's quail find...

I have even looked under our lawnmower! Nothing there.

Not a single Quail baby so far. I didn't record when I saw the first ones last year. There are at least 30 - 40 adults that visit the yard. I can't count as fast as some of them can run! Had a tiny baby bunny curled up on the front porch yesterday, though. :-]

Las Cruces, NM(Zone 8a)

What a treasure trove of quail you have! My parents used to have large numbers of quail here at this house, but I'm afraid those days are gone due to adjacent neighborhood development. I'll bet you'll be overrun with little quail soon, how wonderful.

There used to be lots of jack rabbits here, but we have not seen any for a long time (only cottontails now.) The cottontails like to show up in the late afternoon and flatten out in the cool grass, belly down, legs straight out behind. Mom always called that pose "melted rabbit."

Hebron, KY

Please take some pics (lots of them) of the babies!



Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Oldmudhouse, that's what our little squirrels do. It looks so funny.

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

The quail I'm only mad at for a brief time in the spring when they to remove any seed that I plant in the garden. The rest of the time it's nice to have them around.

The tree rats, on the other hand, are evil. My cat's a good hunter and he helps keep them from digging up my plants and bulbs, but I've been at war with them for many years...

any sign of babies yet? I hadn't seen any but now I have seen 3 different families since the 17th. soooo cute

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

The greenhouse blew apart last weekend. It looked rather spectacular, but seems to have had minimal impact on anything important. Basically, the plastic film over that greenhouse had weakened in the sun (which is amazingly strong in this part of the desert--er, I mean, this part of the world) and when we had a strong windstorm the plastic burst along the poles, leaving the tatters around the edges. I cleaned up all of the plastic and moved the remaining plant starts out of the harsh sun, but there is still a lawnmower in the middle of the empty frame, dutifully shielding the quail.

Mama scurried out yesterday when I got too close, but at least I know that she is still taking care of the eggs. We first noticed her in the greenhouse on the 2nd, and first saw the eggs on the 9th. Figuring in a three week hatching time we expect chicks somewhere between this coming Friday and the next, depending on when they were actually layed. It is possible that we missed her somehow before that, but unlikely. I'll post updates when we have them.

One other thing--we killed what appears to have been a small gopher snake in front of this greenhouse last Saturday. My father-in-law noticed it while picking cherries and dropped a large brick on its head thinking it was a rattler (very unlikely given the location and contents of my garden) so its kind of hard to identify, the shape of the head being important in these things, especially since so many of the young ones have similar markings. In any case, gopher snakes are not very aggressive, but they eat quail eggs... I'm keeping an eye out for them.

I never thought I'd be trying to defend the ubiquitous quail in my yard.

First of all I have got to tell you I LOVE your style of writing! Makes for great reading and paints a wonderful picture. I can see that lawnmower!!!
Second, please do keep us posted.
Third, have you found a plant they won't eat? I haven't

unintentional omission.. they have not eaten the buddleja, it is on several lists of rabbit resistant plants.

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