I think it's Sumac

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

This a tree that grows anywhere/everywhere. It suckers profusely. It's leaves resemble Wisteria only larger. When you pull it out it stinks like crazy. Someone around the neighborhood said it was Sumac. It grows incredibly fast. There is one next door that grew at least 30 ' in 4 yrs. It seems to be in a lot of yards here. Is it considered invasive in the Northeast? Sure seems to be. I keep yanking it out along my fence so it doesn't get a foothold.

Chesapeake Beach, MD

Sumac will run, but my guess is that you're talking about ailanthus which is sometimes mistaken for sumac but which, unlike sumac, is an absolutely horribly exotic invasive species. Here's some more information. http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/pubs/midatlantic/aial.htm

Yup, people make that mistake all the time. Good call MaryMD7.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Yup, thats it MaryMD7. It is a real monster. 325,000 seeds a year! That is scary. It grows along fences and next to houses. More people should know about the damage this thing does. I only knew that its everywhere and that anything that stunk that badly couldn't be good. Tree of Heaven, huh? Well maybe theres' irony in there somewhere.

Wauconda, IL

Gloria, I always thought it was kind of a delicious irony. Anyway, from what I've read, and been told, this tree cannot compete in woodlands, which is why it hasn't spread to them. Yet. It's basically an urban/suburban tree.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

My neighbor's back yard has a huge one and more are growing. Two that are just over the fence are starting to worry me. I have a Wisteria (that bloomed heavily this spring) that climbed up to the top of Tree of Heaven. It then glombed onto the phone wire. If that had not happened, I was just going to let them fight to the death. We had to get out the pole pruner. Took a big chunk of tree down with the Wisteria. What a stink that was.Do you think the tree could damage the fence? It's a 7' stockade.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

I might possibly have one in my rear corner. I am hoping that it isn't one of these. From what I read, it suckers to form thickets, it spreads all over, nothing will grow under it, etc. This tree I have doesn't do that. I also have never noticed it stinking. I didn't see any flowers. The leaves are all way up high, way to high for me to get a pic of. I need to borrow somebodies ladder and take some pics of it to get it properly ID'ed. I do understand that it doesn't necessarily re-sprout here....maybe everybody around me cuts off sprouts with their lawnmower? I have none. Plenty of maples sprouting, but none of whatever this tree is.

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