Corkscrew vine not growing

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

My pitiful little corkscrew vine, which I started from seed, has not grown in 2 months.
The sad little thing is still about 3 inches tall with a total of 3 leaves. It has been fed with miracle grow, gets watered, gets sun and shade. It has an 8" pergula to grow on if it ever decides to grow.
I built that pergula just for this vine. Any idea why it wont grow?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Don't lose heart...they can be slow at first. It is also very easy to love(water) them too much.

Be sure the soil is loose, not packed, and is sharp draining. If the new roots are being soaked (and rot) as fast as they are trying to grow, you won't get much growth. The leaves will also turn yellow.

It has been my experience with them, that they can take a lot more sun than you'd think. If yours is in part sun, you may want to gradually acclimate it to a sunnier spot. A sunnier spot will also help it dry more quickly between waterings. Constant moisture will eventually kill them.

Also, do you best to only water when it is dry. Almost to the point of not watering it, unless it droops...

This is even more important during the winter months. Keep them dry cold, not wet cold.

Hope this helps

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thank ya,
I might be overwatering. My mind seems to think everything is a bog plant. OOOPS

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Trust me the only way I know this, is because of all the corkscrew vines I've killed by "loving" them too much, lol...

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

Thank you, Kathy, for starting this thread, and thank you seedpicker_TX, for the most helpful advice. My corkscrew vines too have not grown for a long time, and are more yellowish than green. I will cut back on the watering - the soil I have them in tends to hold water too much.


Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Its nice to know, I'm not the only person with a mutant corkscrew vine.
Now, I am just waiting to go out one morning and find it has taken over my pergola. My family laughs at me for creating that thing. Seems a woman shouldn't be able to use a saw. Well, by golly I can!
My house might blow down in a storm but that pergola will still be standing. LOL

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