Check it out! Negritianka blooming after only 1 month!!!

(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Woohoo! After all of the posts stating that it takes a clematis a few years to "get going," I wasn't expecting anything. However my Negritianka has bloomed after only being in the ground for a month!!!

Check it out!

Thumbnail by Wifeygirl
(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

So pretty.

Thumbnail by Wifeygirl
(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Closer up.

Thumbnail by Wifeygirl
(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's the size. It was so exciting watching this shoot up, and I couldn't believe it when there were buds already!

Thumbnail by Wifeygirl
N Middlesex County, MA(Zone 5a)

awesome color!

Many of the clematis experts suggest cutting back the plant a few times for the first year to force root development and branching. I have trouble doing that myself. Gotta see the bloom!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Negritianka is a beauty! You are very lucky to have blooms after only having it in the ground for one month.

Phoenix, AZ

That color is incredible! LUCKY you!

(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks! I was truly amazed. Kind of nice to have my expectations exceeded for once. haha

The deep purple is really gorgeous. I'm glad Doss convinced me that this was the one to go for. =)

Plantaholic, I've heard things like that before about pinching back the growing tip to make a plant develop roots and get more bushy...I've never really known when the right time to do that is. I guess I'm always so happy that they are growing for me and not dying that it just feels wrong to pinch off the tip!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Wow !! I love the color. What a beautiful plant.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I love it!!!! It's been on my want list but haven't got it yet. Where'd you get yours and how much sun do ya have her in?


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Just lovely!!!

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

Love that color.

(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks so much, guys! This is so fun. This is my first Clematis ever, and I am so happy with it.

I was a little surprised by the size of the blooms, as the impression that I got was that they would be bigger as the website says "large flowering." I figure that it might be a result of such an early flowering, and in the next few years they might be a little bigger...but who can complain, with blooms of that color after only one month?! haha
Doss also loves hers, and they are maybe 4 inches. She says that the blooms tend to be a little smaller, but make up for it in color, number of blooms, and length of blooming.

I got it via mail from Chalk Hills Clematis I was happy with my purchase there.

It is in hard-core full CA sun, on a south-facing wall, which means it easily gets 7 or 8 hours of sun each day, with shaded roots of course, and daily waterings. Maybe that's why it's so happy! =)

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

The whole picture is beautiful! I really love Negritianka. I see it's zone 4-9. I might have to get another trellis .

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

It's beautiful. Please let us know how it's doing periodically. You are in the same zone as I am and the clematis is listed as zone 4 to 9. I am very interested on how it will do because I love Clematis but didn't think they would grow here.

(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Toy! I know what you mean about the I've mentioned in other posts, I tend to have the blissful belief that none of the rules apply to me... ;-) Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't!

It may be that the summer CA sun will brutalize it once it starts getting really hot... I'll keep you posted on its status. =)

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