Need advice about repotting a rabbits foot fern

Coral Springs, FL(Zone 10b)

I know that I'm going to have to bite the bullet and repot this fern. I have read many different ideas about how to do it, one made me go pale, the one about cutting the center out of the fern in one big ice cream cone shape, and then filling in the hole with soil. The fern is about 2 feet from top to bottom and is a perfect ball. It's in one of those plastic hanging baskets that come home from the store, and is about three years old. I have also read that I can take some of these "feet" that have engulfed the pot and root new plants from them, too. I don't know which one to do! Has anyone ever done this? One source told me to wait until December...
Any advice is appreciated.
P.S. I'm sorry I cant post pictures(yet), but I will finally have a camera in two weeks...

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