happy birthday to ceejaytown!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i posted this here because this is where i usually run into you. thank you for your knowledge and info on this site. hope your birthday is filled with good bugs!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, thanks trackin! I do like this site. I was doing a program on hummingbirds at a local nursery yesterday, and showing some plants that attract hummingbirds, when lo and behold, there were two mealy bug destroyer larvae on one of them. Well, I had to launch into my beneficials program right then and there....lol

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

oh how weird is that. i found two on a miniature rose a couple of days ago. at least i think that's what they were. they were moving mighty fast to be just a mealybug. i didn't get a picture.. there aren't any mealybugs on the roses, so i wondered why they were even there.

Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

Happy B-day TO youuuu, Happy BIRTHDAY TO you, Happy BIRTHDAY Dear CEEJ, Haaaappyyy Birtthhhdddaayyy toooooooo UUUUUUUU!!

Best B-day Regards;

Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday deeeeeeeeear CeeeeeJ
Happy Birthday to you!

How old are you.
How old are you.
How ooooooooooooold are youuuuuuuuu.
How old are you.

You don't need to answer that. I figured Happy Birthday without the second refrain (not musically inclined so this might not be right word) was sort of bland.

Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, SURE, calling me (whatever it was in that other post), NOW I am BLAND!! :(


The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL Blue and Equi - You have wwwwwaaaaayyyyyyyyy too much energy!!!! But a big thanks for the laugh!!!!

Trackin - roses have aphids...and they eat aphids too.....

Oops, no slam intended bluelytes. My post looked kind of bland without the second set. I see you suffer from low self esteem like I do though- tee he!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

oh, ceejay, i know about the rose aphids, but mine don't have any at the moment that i can see. maybe that's because the destroyers were doing their job! was i right about the faster moving?

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Yeah, they gotta keep on the go lookin' for food. The bad guys have it right under their noses.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)


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