Plans for starting a terrarium...

OK So I've milled this over in my mind since before this forum was ever created and I think I've got it figured out what I'm going to do with the materials I have available to me now. Let's see what all of you think of this and if it has the potential to work. I've got two aquarium tanks that I intend to use, one is about 5 gallons, the other is a 29 gallon. I'll begin with the smaller of the two, so let's assume my measurements are for that one.

I have plenty of regular aquarium gravel, so I'll use 1.5 to 2 inches of that in the bottom. Above that will be a layer, probably pretty thin, just enough to cover the gravel, of charcoal out of a cut-open aquarium filter. On top of that will be black mesh window screen (not metal - vinyl or whatever it is). Then I'll add the actual potting mix for the plants - Miracle Gro potting mix with perlite mixed in.

Here's a question, though. How much perlite should I add? I mix my African Violet soil 75% perlite to 25% MG potting mix. I may put one AV in just to see how it does, but these will contain mostly foliage houseplants, so that may be too much perlite. Right off the top of my head, I can think of Oxalis-Fire Fern, Satin Pellionia, several types of Pilea, Syngonium, Peperomia, possibly some small Philodendrons, etc. (I know to check and make sure the plants have similar light needs before putting them all together in a terrarium, so I'll do that before making my final selections for each terrarium.) Anyone want to suggest a perlite to potting mix ratio for me?

I'm not sure whether or not I'll cover the 5 gallon, though I'll probably come up with some way to do so. The 29 gallon is a former aquarium, so I'll use the hood and light with that.

Does this sound like a workable"recipe" for a successful terrarium? Any suggestions or corrections would be most appreciated!

Thanks so much!

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I've never used the MG mix so I can't speak to that, but my terrarium mix is the same as I use for the AVs and gesneriads. I'd would guess that if you decide to cover it, the 75% perlite ratio would work, but maybe go with a little less perlite if you decide to leave the lid open.

I really recommend sterilizing the potting mix that goes into a terrarium to prevent mold fungi mushrooms etc.... Having said that, potting mix that already has slow release fertilizer generally should not be sterilized because the heat will cause the fertilizer to all release at once. If you want to stick with the MG mix, perhaps try it un-sterilized for the small one and see how it goes.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

how do you sterilize yours?
I know that most folks do it in the oven or microwave, just wondering how you do it-

and hey, nothing says loving like soil in the oven! LOL.

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I bake as well - damp mix at 275F or so for 2-3 hrs. I usually bake damp clay pots at the same time. I use an old turkey pan dedicated to mix, and cover with foil.

I do sometimes nuke small batches for seed-starting, though. Fast, easy......

Hmmm, well now I'm wondering about the MG soil I'm using in my AV mix. All I can find is potting mix with fertilizer in it and I've been microwaving it every time before I use it. That can't have been healthy for my plants. How do I sterilize the potting mix that has fertilizer in it?
I've got to try and find some that doesn't have "extra stuff" in it. I've seen MG potting mix with fertilizer, Scott's (I think that's the brand) with fertilizer, and MG moisture control. I don't know if the moisture control has fertilizer in it, but I don't want the moisture control stuff, and I'd assume, being an MG product, it does have fertilizer in it. All my Lowe's is carrying now is MG perlite and it has fertilizer in it, too. I did try Wal-Mart's brand of potting mix once, but I hated it. I don't recall now what it was that I didn't like, but I do remember never to buy it.

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

these days, everything seems to have fertlizer in it. My local HD carried ProMix a couple of years ago, but no longer.... Well, at least, I don't see it any more. It used to be the dry type and was in the outdoor area. The local nursery does carry promix and the price has gone down a bit, so that's what I use.

I don't know how to sterilize mix that has fertilizer in it. I'm not 100% sure that all the pre-included fertilizer would act the same way, but the slow release pellets are heat-sensitive - there are studies on those for tropical climates.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Yeah that's a problem- I may try to mix my own, like AV potting mix- what do you think Key?

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I sometimes mix my own - about equal parts 100% milled peat, perlite and vermiculite, and something to raise the pH a little. Sometimes I add a bit of milled coir (coconut). It's easier to buy though :P

I'll do some research and see if I can discover exactly what form the fertilizer is in. Maybe I could call the MG company and see what they can tell me about it and if they have any suggestions on how to sterilize it.
Another question I've been meaning to ask...I have a couple huge bags/bricks of Spagnum peat moss. It's very difficult to wet, but I use hot water and once it's wet it holds moisture forever. I can't seem to wrap my mind around the difference in Spagnum, Spagnum Peat, Peat, Milled Peat, etc. Anyone care to help me out and set me straight on exactly what I've got and whether or not it's what I need?

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

It's probably what you need.

I treat milled peat and milled sphag peat to be the same. It's a fine brown powdery thing, sometimes sold compressed into a gigantic "brick" form. It has a low pH, so needs a pH adjuster added to the mix. It holds a lot of water when wet, and is light when dry, and as you say, it a pain to rewet if it goes bone dry. (I've been known to let pots go bone dry regularly, and I find that even immersed in water for 2 hrs, some of the mix will still be rock solid dry.)

Coir looks the same, but is almost always sold in brick form. It's a coconut product. It absorbs water a bit more readily, and has a slightly higher pH (I think). I also hear that it decomposes faster than peat. (I've started to add this to my mix because of the "bone dry" habit I have....)

To raise the pH, you can add dolomitic lime (pelletized form is often recommended), crushed oyster shells, and there are probably other amendments that will raise the pH slightly.

A tip I learned from a book written by James Crockett (of Victory Garden fame) is to use hot water to moisten peat. It soaks up hot water almost immediately. If I've let a plant go dry, I use the warmest water safe for the plant. Not a quick as hot water, but much better than cold.
I used all my vermiculite, but when I get more I may try mixing up a batch of my own soil and see how that works out for me.
Thanks for the help, Key!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

you are a wealth of information. Thanks.

Well, I'm gonna try it. The best way to learn is to just do it, I suppose.
I've been reading through some terrarium construction sites and some say to put the charcoal on the bottom and some say to put it on top of the gravel. Which is better?
And to begin with I'm going to use the little 5 gal tank, but when I move to the 29 gallon I have the hood and light for it as with aquarium use. Will that one fluorescent bulb provide enough light for the plants inside?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Hiya Raingazer,
I can share what I do with mine & I seem to have good luck with them.

I do add charcoal. It just seems to keep everything sweeter.
I add the charcoal on top of the gravel or whatever else you use for drainage. I do mine like this because I feel like whatever impurities are being filtered to the bottom will at least be filtered through the charcoal.
It just seemed to make sense to me. I'm sure it's a personal choice.

I think you will enjoy the 5 gallon alot. The seem to be easier to maintain with little problems & they fair pretty much anywhere.
I love my larger ones, too, but I have to go to where they are to enjoy them~ the little ones I can move around & display when something is blooming .

I had just a regular small florecense light on top of my large 29 tank & it did "ok".. if you can ge the grow lights they seem to do a little better.

Good luck & be sure to post some pics when you're done.
I'd love to see them!


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks MsC- that makes sense to me.

Thank you MsC! That helps a lot! I keep saying "Today is the day!" but something always comes up that I have to do so I don't have time. LOL Maybe today I really *can* get around to it. I'm very anxious to get one going to see how it does.
Thanks everyone for all the help! I'll post pictures when it's done.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for asking about the charcoal and gravel question. I was wondering which one to put on top. So I will put the charcoal on top as you suggested. I have the tank and I need to get a light of some kind for it. As soon as I find that, I'm going to start mine. You all have been so helpful in teaching all of us how to make a nice terrarium. Thanks so much.


I've discovered another problem. The mesh I have is metal, not vinyl, so I'd be afraid to use it. However, if I leave my plants potted up, I don't necessarily have to have a layer of soil, do I? Or maybe I do. If I have all the plants in pots, could I do a layer of gravel, a layer of charcoal, and another layer of gravel? Perhaps a different color of gravel for the top layer... I believe I'm thinking about this waaaay too much! LOL Help!!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I don't always use a mesh and it seems to work out ok.

You don't have to add soil either. I have many that just have the pots in them and some with a gravel base...the choice is up to you.

Now if you plan to show it then it does have to be planted.


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

What do you use the mesh for?


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

The mesh just goes between the gravel & soil to keep it from compacting. Not a big deal if you dont over water to start with.


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks MsC. I was wondering why I needed it. I will make sure I do not over water.


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)


I have some MG potting soil made for containers. Should I add any perlite to it, and if so, how much. I finally have my light now and I'm ready to pot. So if you could tell me how to mix my soil then I think I'm ready. (The reason I asked MsC is because she was highly recommended to know about terrariums on another forum.)


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I would mix it half & half for sure.
Does it have those water saving crystals in it?? or Moisture Control ?
If it has either, then I would NOT use will keep your terrarium too wet.
BUT, if that is all you can get, then add more perlite and try really hard not to get it toooo wet.
IF you get it too wet then you can always lay "blue shop towels" along the edges of the container until you get some of the excess water out. You can also leave the top off for several days,as well.( been there done that one lots! )

I've been having a hard time finding potting soil of any kind out here that doesn't have moisture control in it. So I've been mixing seed starting mix, perlite & vermiculite in equal parts. So far so good.
The one thing I like about using some potting soil in my terrarium mix is I never have to fertilze.


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)


I will check my potting soil to see if it has the water crystals or moisture control stuff. I don't think the one that I bought has it but I will make sure. Then mix 50/50 perlite and MG potting soil. I tell you, I think we would all be lost without Perlite. That stuff sure does come in handy.
Thanks for answering my post so quickly. I will be working on this some time today I hope.


Cincinnati, OH

"On top of that will be black mesh window screen (not metal - vinyl or whatever it is)."

Joanne Fabrics and competitors and craft stores sell needlepoint mesh in assorted colors. It is sturdier than the nylon screen.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Cool tip, Larry!
I was lookinf for something different for my odd shaped lil terrariums!


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