zoning and greenhouse

Lilburn, GA


I live in a residential area, very snotty to tell you the truth. We even have the beauty police to inspect if the lawn is well cut.

I would like to put up a greenhouse in my backyard. Do I need any type of licence or permit for that?

worried Spider

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Do you have covenants? If not, then I'd say you are free to do what you want (within reason). If you do, then it depends on what is covered in the covenants (some are strict while others are more relaxed). You may have to get approval from the architecture committee before you start such a project (so you don't have to tear it down later on).

I didn't get a permit for my greenhouse at our last house or the covered deck we added onto the house or even the large shed we added next to the greenhouse. You might ask the tax assessor's office if it is necessary or not (it might depend on size or location) but then they will also add that to your tax bill more than likely. Some states are more stringent on any kind of building having permits - again more for tax purposes from my point of view. I've heard of people having in-ground pools put in without permits, then having to fill the pool in with dirt when they sell the house because there was no building permits.

We had to ask up front before we bought this house if we could build a greenhouse or not (we had a greenhouse put in the contract so covenants are moot when we do get around to it). One subdivision wouldn't let us build a greenhouse so that was a deal breaker for us. Their loss.

Lilburn, GA

Thank you Butch, I knew you would come to the rescue. I have lots to find out on Monday.

You may need a permit to pour a cement foundation above a certain size. You need to do this in Atlanta. Luckily, if you put in a gravel foundation, you might get away without having to get a permit for it.


My DH told me to be expecting a package today ... and sure enough UPS just delivered it. Guess what it is? It's a greenhouse! It's 6X8. It will be perfect for starting my seeds and storing some of my plants in come winter!!

Lilburn, GA

Thank you very much GGG. Gravel it will be!!!

Wow Elaine, what a wonderful present!

Yes ... I'm so excited! He said it's birthday and Christmas rolled into one! LOL That's just fine with me. :-)

Lilburn, GA

what type of greenhouse is it?

Well, it's still in that dratted box, but he said it's 6X8 and 6-1/2 ft. tall. Will have to tell you more when I see it. LOL

Elaine, that sounds just like the greenhouse I gave away. It might be one of the Europa leanto greenhouses. They are exactly those dimensions (I bought one 2nd hand, and now with renovations I don't need it since we are having a greenhouse built right into our home...).
If I'm right at guessing, this is an excellent model for mid and lower GA since it's a lean-to against the house and needs ventilation but usually not heat. It can absorb heat from your home. COOL!

Let us know when you get it.


The DH finally got home and took it out and showed it to me. Of course we can't put it together yet ... but I see how it goes together now. It's real nice. It's 6X8 ft. and a little over 6 ft. tall.with 8 shelves ... 4 on each side with a door that can be rolled up and secured for ventilation. It will give me plenty of room for my scented geraniums and mints along with a place to harden off my tomato seedlings in the winter. :-) He ordered it from Overstock.com for half price. I'm definitely smiling!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Is it this one Elaine? http://www.overstock.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi?PAGE=PROFRAME&PROD_ID=849155

Did we miss your birthday? Happy Birthday & Christmas, you must be a good gal, that looks good :)

Yes Vi ... that's it! LOL You didn't miss my birthday, though. It's an early present. He's going on a business meeting and I usually get to go but can't this year, and that's cheaper than a plane ticket. Plus he's just a sweetie! :-)

Lilburn, GA

Oh Elaine, it is a lovely greenhouse! you will be able to do a lot !

Thanks Spider! :)

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

You don't need a premit for that. But if you have a POA with a review board and all that, you'll need to have it okay'd I believe. If you have the "beauty police" they will spot the green house and who knows what they'll think about it.

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