Tropical Depression ONE

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

And it's only 10 days into season

Lots of rain predicted for parts of Cuba and this

I'm hoping it will only bring us rain...we're so parched our lawn is dead anywhere there's no shade. We're watering select plants twice a day and barely keeping ahead of rhe dry

ETS Here's a link to Public Advisory 2 at

This message was edited Jun 10, 2006 11:48 AM

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

yes i have been keeping a eye on it,went thro 2 last year, sure makes a beliver out of you.i live on the nature coast in homosassa ,we do need the rain,im glad our weather people is on the job, if they wasn,t people would be complaning about that.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

hey, watching this one too, we need rain so bad. Weatherpeeps said we would need 2 inches a day for thirty days just ot catch up.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

We're at the southern edge of the current projected cone but the meteorologist just said the computers are not in agreement at this point. I have come to really dislike the days we find ourselves waiting for the next update. LOL

Hurricane hunters are going into the storm this afternoon. We'll hear more then.

I believe it Connie. We're that dry too.

Dothan,, AL(Zone 8a)

Like Weeds I am watching this one too. We need the rains it could bring to our area. We are parching here in southeast Alabama.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Gonna ask Dave to change my screen name to

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL You nut!The only green in the parched parts of our yard are the WEEDS! Bidens, Portulaca, Cudweed and Chickweed...crabgrass too. Maybe if I plug the crabgrass...

Any idea what the Gulf temps are up there, you two? I heard 83 here yesterday.

"They" are hoping a wind sheer in effect now will keep the storm from growing beyond TS strength...let's hope they are right. "They" are on much of the hour on our local news channel. I haven't even looked at the Weather Channel yet.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Well, I just checked my roof to see if the blue tarp from "Francis" was covering the target that was there in '04 for four hurricanes and '05 with two or three...who's counting!

My daughter called from Bartow in a panic because she is closing on a mortgage and if it gets closer they won't write the house insurance.

They just tore down the Community Center here from hurricane damage, and it was the only shelter for disabled and elderly. I'm sure they will figure something out. The powers that be have decided NOT to paint a rosey picture and have had many instruction seminars to teach people to care fror themselves and not to count on FEMA or other government agencies for help as it may not be coming. For the first time people seem to be taking them seriously (after Katrina) and you see more preparations than you might expect befor the season opened.

It's gong to be a loooong year.

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

talk about dry, i have never seen so many gophers hunting far food ,this is my back yard but most of my yard looks like this just sand where nice grass was

Thumbnail by starfly
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Pati, My boss was amazed at how many blue roof communities there still are. I guess they really haven't been talking about it up here much til this past week. I knew but only from DG comments you've posted.

Our community leaders are pushing "Personal Responsibility" this year. Be prepared, have a plan and stick to it. Understand that the government will come in eventually but people have to make do on their own til then.

Oh Starfly. That looks just like our yard. Sad, isn't it? The dog tracks that lead to the other end of our property used to be nice and tidy little paths, They're now wide sand pits and the amount of sand the dogs bring into the house is amazing!

There's rain and lots of it to the south of us...hope it gets here soon. I wandered through the yard last night hosing down limp plants. Butterflies and dragonflies came to fly through the spray. Bees and wasps land on lily pads to drink from the ponds. So many things just have to survive, or not, on their own

Here's hoping all of us that need rain will get it!


Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Woohoo! It's raining...actually it's pouring. So much for afternoon plans but I'm sure okay with that.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)


Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

its windy and sprinkling a little bit hooray

Dothan,, AL(Zone 8a)

I am so glad ya'll are getting rain. My plants for the butterflies and hummingbirds are so sad. I hope the little bouce toward the west will bring us some much needed rain. Also all the crops around here. The corn and summer vegtables are just about ruined and it doesn't look good for other field crops and pasture land either. The farmers are really hurting and when the farmer hurts we will hurt too.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Saturday we got just less than an inch of about 20 minutes. Today it started raining about 6a and is still raining a good steady drizzle.

Maybe you'll get some rain out of this Mimidi. We all know how bad this drought is. Poor plants and property.

Did you see we are now under hurricane watch?? Good grief! That info is just hitting the news.

This message was edited Jun 12, 2006 11:02 AM

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