
Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

I am interested in a flowering vine for a trellis/pergola that I am building. I was wondering how fast mandevillas grow in one season? Annyone have experience with these? OR suggestions for a better choice?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I had one in a container last year and it didn't grow fast at all, certainly not enough to cover an arbor in one season, and since it won't survive your winter I don't think it'll ever get big enough for that purpose. Probably one of the annual vines that's meant to grow just for one season would work better, or a perennial vine that'll be hardy in your area. I'm sure someone else will come along with specific suggestions on what ones would be best for you, I just wanted to share my experience with the mandevilla.

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

I bought 2 pink Mandevillas last season, and they covered a 6x8 ft trellis - like a wall of flowers.

I propagated some over the winter, and they're on the same trellis this year. I noticed that they really didn't get going until things heated up. I think that's the key - the heat seems to make the runners grow like crazy.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

hmm.. wondering if I would get to enjoy them before the end of the year

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)

Jazz - I live in southern CT - zone 6b and grow Mandevillas each year in a pots on 7ft trellis. They cover the trellis by August and bloom their fool heads off till I have to cut them down (such a sad day) off the trellis and take the pots inside where I let them go semi dormant in the cool basement all winter. I take them out in March - put them in my portable greenhouse (heated to 70 deg) and they sprout again. They are slloowwww to get going till the weather gets warm. Mine are about 2ft high now but they are just beginning to pick up speed. I am confident they will grow quickly now and be flowering within a month.
Diane Krny

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I wonder why mine didn't grow like that? Maybe it needs more humidity than we have here in the summers.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

The tag on mine said it loves water. Are you keeping its feet wet/ Mine has grown over 2 feet in about a month.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I watered it plenty and it bloomed fine, just didn't grow very much. It's not a big deal, I didn't want it to get really big, but it just sounded like my experience was much different than other people's.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Jazz, they can deffinatley cover an arbor buy the end of summer and will completely be loaded with blooms. They do need the heat to get going. I am posting a pic of the ones I had back in 2004. I placed them on the arbor in late june they weren't much higher than maybe a couple of feet and by mid august you can really see a show. The arbor they are on is one of those common inexpensive green metal ones. Not to mention that the spot this arbor is in only get part sun. There is a huge black walnut tree that shades this bed part of the day. Coinsidently I am heading out today to buy replacements since I lost mine the winter of 2004 from neglect indoors. I am finally getting around to it. They will be placed in full sun this year and I look forward to seeing the show.

2004 pic.

Thumbnail by dottnmd
Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Ecrane, could it be that you have another plant that is simular to the mandevilla. I have one that is called Dipl? (I don't know the name or how it's spelled). I bought this one one a clearance rack in 2003 and didn't loose it when I lost my mandevilla's. The Dip? looks very simular in flowering but the flowers are smaller and darker. The foilage is also smaller and waxy in appearance. I just repotted it the other day. It has been on the same trellis since I brought it home. The vine never gets much larger than the trellis which is only 4 feet tall.

I ran out and took a quick shot to show you. Excuse my mess in the photo. I am still getting some plants situated and out into full sun as well as repotting. Here is the Dip?

Thumbnail by dottnmd
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Dipladenia is the same as mandevilla, I think Dipladenia was the old name but it's been changed to Mandevilla, although some nurseries still sell it under the old name. Anyway, mine was labelled as Mandevilla and is the Alice Dupont cultivar that's very common. There are some species and cultivars that have a little smaller flowers and leaves so you probably have one of those. As to why mine hasn't grown that much, based on what others here have said, it's probably because although I water it a lot, with our dry summers it probably has enough water to stay alive and bloom but not enough to grow like crazy. Or I may not get enough heat--we have some days definitely that are very hot, but it's not every day over 90 like it is in a lot of parts of the country. Or it could be because I'm lazy about fertilizing! I like mine the size it is so as long as it continues to bloom for me I'm going to leave it alone!

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I just bought two Madevillas and potted them. Any tips on care? I have mine on a shaded patio (the sun is too hot here) How do I take care of them and then winter them over?

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