Someone asked me for the link to bird calls

Here's a link to Cornell's Lab of Ornithology
Select your bird and when you get to the page, there will be an option to select sound. Click on that and you can hear the call of that particular bird.

There are many other sites out there that have excellent audio-

We have a cd that has at least a couple hundred bird calls on it. I'll have to go hunt that down and see what the title was.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Geepers. When did I become someone? :o)

Thanks for the links,


Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)


Sum1 is way better than ø1, and certainly better than NE1.


Sorry, I knew somebody asked me for a link but I have issues with cats on keyboards at night and sometimes I lose track of which thread I was typing in. My bad! Sorry somebody!

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

That's o.k. Equil, I'm just funnin with ya. BTW, I have to open Netscape in order to view them. With firefox, even though I tell it to allow the sites, it doesn't go to the songs. Very weird. If only I knew what I was doing...


Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Now you're just bragging...

Lilburn, GA

what wonderful websites. i have been listening to british birds and am feeling quite homesick at the moment.

thank you for the links.

Hico, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, thanks for the links!! E-nature used to have the sounds and now they don't:( I liked to use it to identify the frogs, too.
There are a couple of bird song CD's - one is put out by Stokes to go with their field guide and another is put out by Peterson field guides. There are others that have fewer songs/CD. One person commenting on these said that the ones w/more songs/CD had less content. Each bird makes more than one kind of sound, but due to limited space, the more birds/CD made for less info for the birder.

We have a cd of bird calls that I believe is from Audubon. I so love to use it. We have several indoor only cats and it is fun to watch them throw themselves at the tv screen and get plastered up there. Other than that, the Audubon bird call cd is very good. It provides educational as well as good clean family fun watching one's cats get exercised.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

We used to have a VHS video for our indoor cats that had the same entertainment value: lots of singing, hopping, flying birds and scurrying rodents. One poor cat would repeatedly circle the TV, jump on it, pat at the screen, etc., etc.; it just drove him crazy that he couldn't find those critters!

We have one cat that literally plasters himself on the screen. The others jump at it and try to claw at the screen while one sits and twitches and chatters as if it is having some sort of a seizure. We stick the tape in every month or so and it never fails to draw out every cat we have.

Hico, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL LOL LOL!!!! Very visual for me. I, too, indoor cat lover.

We have two decent sized windows on either side of a fireplace in our family room and just outside those windows are areas where I can plant. Hard to describe but there is a little ledge at the bottom of each window, a very little ledge/sill. My husband likes birds so I placed shepherds hooks outside those windows and hung suet and birdfeeders from them so that he could look out those windows during the winter months (that's when I feed the birds) to see what was visiting. All of our cats are older. One day shortly after I had created this little bird feeding paradise, I had 4 cats balancing on the ledge in each window all trying to play king of the mountain. We laughed so hard watching all 8 cats getting knocked one after the other off that ledge by other cats trying to get up for a look-see while they jockeyed for position to get on this narrow window sill to get peeks at what was visiting those bird feeders. This went on for weeks until spring came and I stopped feeding the birds. The funniest was when a squirrel got on the little ledge on the outside. There were our cats on the inside while this little squirrel sat on the outside looking in with a row of them all looking at him. I about bust a gut as our cats tried to nail him through the window while he sat outside oblivious. If you saw how narow this ledge was and how "pleasantly plump" some of my cats are, you would bust a gut. There's barely room for two cats on each ledge.

Hico, TX(Zone 8a)

Equi -
Sounds like you should have taken a video for AFV!
I can't imagine 8 kitties. Right now we have 3, but one is quite old, but still special.

I had a persian that sat on his window high condo with the window open watching birds, mice, chipmunks and squirrels eat from our feeder 2 stories up in our tiny apt in college. I guess they crawled up the vines. He just watched with his huge eyes. But one day...
Persians can get embarrassed if someone laughs at them. Four college girls were walking by when he decided to get that squirrel. The screen fell out and out went my cat to the shrubbery below. We found him hanging in the branches in total shock staring straight ahead. He didn't even blink when we pulled him out. The girls were laughing hysterically. He didn't go near the window for a month and never tried to attack through the screen again.

I don't have 8 right now. This was back about 5 years ago when we first moved into this house. I only have 5 cats currently. A few years ago we lost a 22 year old and shortly after that we lost a cat that was 17 or maybe 18 and then earlier this year we lost a cat that had to be around 19 and then this past April we lost another cat that was in her 20's. Siamese live considerably longer than Persians or Himmies. We were down to 4 cats but we got a new cat from a local shelter a few weeks ago that is about 5 years old so we are back up to 5 cats again. We have a cat named Melvin that fell asleep in an open window and his pleasantly plump body (22 lbs) pushed out the screen and he fell out the window. It wasn't funny at the time but we found him outside and got him back in. This deal with pushing out the screens has happened a few times so now when we open our windows, we only open them wide enough to get a breeze but not wide enough for one of our compact flesh cats to get in and take a nap. We currently have 3 cats that are exceedlingly plump and 2 are over 20 lbs and one is making a break for the 20 lb mark. Do your cats ever sit and chatter when critters come in close range of a window? When ours do that we laugh outloud. We have quite a few chimpmunks and they come in real close to the house and that gets our cats to freeze like statues but they make this chatter sound that is hysterical.

Hico, TX(Zone 8a)

It is almost barking. They have so much pent up excitement.

Mine usually come from the shelter, but the persian was a gift from a friend. Couldn't refuse and fell in love with the persian 'tude. Although he died at 12, I'd get another, but we seem to be collecting strays at the moment.

For my daughter's b'day we looked at lots of shelters for a kitten. We found one at a vet that had found one stuck under a fence. Turns out she is probably a bengal (vet didn't want to tell us this). I didn't even know about bengals - just found out about them on the web. She has a long nose, spots, swirls, and tiger striped orange, silver, black, white and a sailor's rope for a tail. She is safely spayed now.
The other young one I mentioned w/pic in another thread you are part of.

They all look at the speakers funny when I play the bird call CD.

Have you a photo of the Bengal?

Hico, TX(Zone 8a)

Does she look like one to you, too? She is rather solid and heavy for her size, too. Like the difference between lifting a piece of pine and lifting a piece of ironwood.

Thumbnail by indirt

Yes! Definitely a wild animal you have there dozing off in that LazyBoy Chair. I have one of those myself and I can spot them miles away.

I volunteered at animal shelters for about 20 years. In all that time I think we only saw one Bengal come in and the markings were very distinct. Your little sweetie there is what we would have classified as a dometic short haired (DSH) torbi. She's very unusual in that she has both tabby and pastel torti markings. You don't see but one or two of those in a year. Calicos and tortis, whether the classic or the pastel, were always female.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

You call that a wild animal dozing in the chair? Yep, a wild animal. What's the world coming too these days? LOL!

Welllll..... Do you have one? Mine has a tv remote in hand as well as a bunch of putty tats piled up on him.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Nope!! Closest thing to that is my dad who says my cat is gay. Need I say more? LOL

Well, Dads count as wild things even without putties piled up on them.

You gotta admit the photo she took is a classic. All he's missing is the remote. That could be any of our husbands on that LazyBoy after a hard day at work.

Hico, TX(Zone 8a)

Actually, that is my dad. My DD was visiting them for a week or two - to escape the cramped camper. Kitties seem to gravitate to him when he is in his chair. Me thinks b/c they know he doesn't intend on moving for a long while. Sometimes there is a little territorial fight over the privilege of the lap btwn kitties. This one is a bully and most everyone is scared of her.

The only reason I thought she was a bengal was b/c she looked just like one I saw on a bengal web page and I think I looked there b/c someone mentioned it to me.

It would be difficult to volunteer at the shelter for me. I'd be taking them home right and left. My husband won't take me to a shelter unless we are serious about bringing one home. I believe the best dogs are found there.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I can't go to the shelters either because I will bring all the animals home!! And i do mean all!!!

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