Another strange happening in TX

Keller, TX(Zone 7b)

We just stepped outside on the driveway and my husband sees this huge egg. It's bigger than a duck egg.

It has a crack in it and was sitting on my driveway. It's dark out and I don't know if my dog brought it or maybe a coon.

What should I do with it? What do you think it is? If it hatches I suppose I can call an animal rehab. Or should I just put it back outside and let nature take its course?

Thumbnail by mommacude
Keller, TX(Zone 7b)

I just started looking around and I think I answered my own question. A turkey egg! And they take like 28 days to hatch?! Hmmm. . . . who knows how far along this one is developed. Interesting huh? Still not sure what to do. I'm tempted to look around my property for a nest and put it back but we have 5 acres pretty heavily wooded and with greenbrier and poison oak, not sure I'll be doing that tonight in the dark. LOL

That's pretty exciting to have identified your egg. I feel relatively confident you could slip it into any turkey nest. I bet Turkeys are like Wood Ducks and would be clueless as to whether the egg was theirs or not. Please know that the crack in it is not a good sign so you might want to consider putting it back as it was probably dinner for a raccoon.

I have no clue how far along it is but you could candle it and try to find a guide on line as to how far along it was.

Keller, TX(Zone 7b)

I lit it up with a flashlight and i don't see anything so it may be not even incubated yet. I don't know where the nest is but I may see. Of course the big crack probably isn't good. Maybe I'll just put it back out for the coons.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Mommacude, I have been told that even if you followed a turkey directly to her nest you would not find it. I believe they dig down and nest in the roots of bushes and then cover it up with twigs etc.

Think you would be on a wild goose/turkey chase.


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