Some pictures to start off with Post your pics

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I am starting to collect ivy and angels and regal geraniums, here are a few pictures.

I also have some scented geraniums in here.

post your pictures too

This is an unnamed regal I got at walmart for 50 cents, I now have 3 huge geraniums like this from taking cuttings and rooting them LOL

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

This is mexicana ivy geranium.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

this is black magic ivy geranium

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

cyble holmes ivy geranium

I didnt' check the spelling cyble may be spelled wrong

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Lilburn, GA

They are gorgeous!

*Spider takes his shoes off and lies down in the forum's couch*

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

LOL, I should be out working, but i'm lazy today

Here's a Angel geranium
variagated Golden angel

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Variegated Joy Lucille Scented Geranium

Love those variegated ones

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

This is a table full of scented geranium cuttings i'm rooting

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Chocolate mint scented, without the brown splotching in the center of the leaves, Not enough sun I guess. everyonce in a great while it gets it's brown spots, I guess I don't have enuogh light in the greenhouse. Not sure on that

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Lemon fancy, my favorite of all the scented leaves are the lemon scented ones.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Juicy fruit scented geranium

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Nutmeg scented geranium,

First one I ever started off with of course. it's been cut on l,000 times over though LOL

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Last one for now,

spanish lavender scented geraniums

I have to do something constructive today besides sit at this computer. LOL

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Lilburn, GA

Kathy Ann, how many stock plants of each veriety do you have? And how many cuttings on average you get from any? and how long before you pot them up? Thank you.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

There are only two or three that I have 2 stock plants of, Depending on how well they sell and how rare they are. as I have no room for too many more and be able to increase my variety . I've had to order extension hangers to make room for more hanging pots because there is no more room for hubby to put up rods in the greenhouse. And I've used all the rods he had and he won't buy more LOL . Cuttings from each stock plant well, that depends on the plant itself. I can't really give an amount of cuttings that I can ta
ke off the plants, it's hard to say. I had a cinnamon which is hard to find and sells fantastic. So i'm trying to make 2 stock plants of that but I sell them faster than I can keep the cuttings to make another stock plant. my one stock plant of cinnamon is in a l0 in hanging basket I think, and I've cutit back to a nub almost it looks bad LOL I'll have to take a picture of it,

Those cuttings in the picture, I never pot up, their selling stock and stay in the 4 in pot. There are a few times i've taken cuttings off thecuttings and stuck them in the same pot and made a bigger plant for folks, cause they got too tall. Hope I've answered all your questions.

this is Lime scented geranium

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

these are coconut scented geranium babies, germinated from seed.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

These are new stock plants

one on the left is mini regal black knight
other one is strawberry scented geranium, 2 in this pot

I will cut on these next spring . But not a whole lot.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

one on the left is brand new french lace/variegated prince rupert, which are 2 in the pot and came very tiny, but they'll grow, the other is variegated nutmeg which I have now 3 stock plants of that one. their a little harder to root the V nutmeg too much rot. I loose about half of them.

Lots of new stock plants this year, all small, i'm babying them now, hope to be large soon. I 'm thinking of making an order from the geracae .com place, that's spelled wrong, too long for me to spell right, when I get back from vacation, if I can afford it. I might spend all my money while I"m gone.

But I do want to order a couple variegated angels and pansey faced ones from them before I quit for the year.


Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Now I do take cuttings off the new stock when they get alittle larger and stick the cuttings in the same pot as the new stock to make the stock plant larger for propigation down the road. I do that all the time.

I will cut on strawberry soon to fill the pot more.

I'll have to wait on french lace for a while though LOL it's so cute though.

Lilburn, GA

Kathy Ann, do you sell your plants? Do you do mail order? I am thinking of selling some SGs at the local farmers market. Could youplease give me some tips? I can Dmail you. I would be very grateful>:o))

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I'll dmail you

Midway, TX(Zone 8b)

Kathy they are all so beautiful!!! I love the chocolate one. The blooms are so beautiful!

I'm so glad we got this forum. I will learn so much. ;)

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Dancey

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

*knock* *knock* Can I join in? I brought brownies!

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

*without waiting for an answer, jumps in and grabs the couch next to Spider*

Thought I'd share some pics, too!
I started these from seed. Have yet to know what color the blooms will be!

Thumbnail by cjolene
Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

And this one I started from seed at the same time as the others, but I kept her inside. She's just starting her first bloom!!

Thumbnail by cjolene
Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

And I bought this one in April. I just love the leaves!!

Thumbnail by cjolene
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

They are beautiful, I like the leaves on both of them, georgious


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh no. I had said that I was not going to allow myself to get another "hobby". I have the C&S hobby and the AV hobby and I had said that this was it except for my outside plants. Now I want some of these. Do these grow year round if you keep them inside in the winter?


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

If you have a nice sunny window, and I mean a nicely lit up window, They love the sunlight when their inside.

Mine don't do well inside the house , not enough light, but they do well in the greenhouse

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Kathy. One end of my porch is only sunny in the morning. Do you think that would work? Or the other end gets it in the morning but moves around and would shine on it in the afternoon too. Which do you reccomend?


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I'd go with the other end ifyou can, but they should be ok with the first end, My greenhouse gets indirect light, and from the chocolate scented geranium picture above, youcan tell it doesn't get light enough in the GH to turn the leaves brown on the CM geranium . There are suppose to be brown splotches on the leaves. I think, not certain, that it's because it's not light enough in there.

GH is out in the middle of the yard so to speak, no shade what so ever, but the inside of the greenhouse is lined with cheap plastic , the kind you get at Ridout or lowes. and it doens't let the sun in as much as just the outside plastic would. Plants were scorching with the outside plastic, I'm glad for the inside plastic, it brought the temps down in the summer andhelped raise the temps in the winter.

Lilburn, GA

Hmmm... i ate all of them... couldn't resist...t hey were delicious...burp

Kahty Ann, what is the size of your greenhouse?

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks. I will pot them up and put them on the end with the most light. If I notice they look scortched, then I'll move them.


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

16 x 30. and not near big enough, I also grow brugmansias over l00 of them, and mint varieties that Ilike to winter inthe greenhouse so I can sell through the winter. so it gets full, and when I put things on the floor of the GH they don't get enough light and usually die off or rot. I still put things on the floor.

I don't have time now, but I'll gather some pictures of the GH tomorrow and post them, nothing in it much but geraniums now and some brug babies so I guess it would be ok to post them here since their pictures of geraniums LOL


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I think I have time for a couple pics

here are a few of the greenhouse, all thehanging baskets are geraniums. I'm addicted ha? Yes I know.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

well, apparently you have to type somehting in here in order for the picture to show up here it is again.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

You see I don'thave anymore hanging room, their hangin off the tables now, I'm waiting on some extension hangers now.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

front of the GH

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Albrightsville, PA(Zone 4a)

Cranesbill Katherine Adele

Thumbnail by woodthrush

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