Mystery Vine

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello all!!! I see familar faces but it's my first time "stopping by" :) I've had a variety of suprises coming up in my yard this spring including trailing petunias growing on the ground...figured out later I had a shepard's hook there with petunias last summer....LOL That mystery is solved...but this pretty vine that is RAPIDLY growing...I'm not sure if I should be pulling it or what. Any of you have an idea of what it is? Thanks so much!!!
Edit to clarify - it is the larger heart shaped leaf with tiny white flowers - not the ground cover beside it that I planted. LOL

This message was edited Jun 7, 2006 1:59 AM

Thumbnail by Chantell
Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)




Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

God Bless you! I figured if it was coming up without my prompting it was probably NOT something I wanted...LOL

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