Corn tassels, and no ears ?????

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

I planted Kandy Corn and it looks great. The stalks are nice and green and look so pretty and healthy.
Now I'm just beginning to see the tassels forming in the top of the plants, but I don't see any sign of what would look like ears of corn. Do the tassels come on before the ears form ? I figured that was the reason for the tassels, was to drop pollen onto the corn silks. Anyone else notice this with yours ? Maybe this is how it's supposed to be, but I wouldn't know. Maybe I'm getting excited about nothing. Someone else who is more experienced care to comment ?

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Corn, tassles a few days before it silks.

Brimfield, MA(Zone 5a)

Peggie, I'm in zone 5. What date you put out your Kandy Korn? That is the type I am growing next season.


Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Gosh, I don't really remember when I put it in. I know I made a point of making sure we were past the frost time though. I think I planted around the 2nd or 3rd week of April.
I think Kandy is about 80 days, isn't it ? Anyway, I grew it last year and the taste and texture is wonderful. Last years crop didn't produce much though, it was a first year garden and the soil needed a lot of help. But the few it did make were really tasty.
I just couldn't remember when I started to see the ears forming in relation to when the tassels came on. Since I didn't have that many, hehe

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I used to raise Kandy Korn in the early '80s. It was good eating. It blew down so badly on me in storms as it grows quite tall.

I have found that corn planted here in April takes about 10 days longer to mature than listed and corn planted in early June takes about 10 days less than listed!

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Yippee y'all. There are pretty pink silks coming out on all my stalks.

I was afraid I had fertilized it too much and was going to get all plant and no fruit. But it looks like some corn is finally coming on. My goodness, the stalks are tall. Last years' was only shoulder high to me (5'2") and only a couple ears matured. This year looks a little better so far. The stalks are already way taller than me. Looks like a shadey forest in there.
I'm so excited.....I love corn on the cob.

Now, what was it I'm supposed to do for earworms ? Mineral oil ?

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Thunderstorm with strong winds knocked my corn what ?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Leave 'em alone. Most of the time they cornstalks will bring themselves back upright. It's a wonderful site to see! Hoping they weren't completely flattened but if they are merely lodged they'll be fine.


Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Corn a foot tall or shorter will straighten itself up 100%. Corn before it tassels will straighten up pretty well. Corn that's earing probably won't straighten up but halfway. Some people prop it back up. If the ears are staying flat on the ground, that is the best thing to do.

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Thanks, that makes me feel better, knowing it's not a total loss.

This morning they look a little better, not laid over as far as they were.

It's pretty tall, and tasseled out. I didn't know Kandy Korn got so tall. Some of the stalks have 2 ears on them. I sure am seeing a lot of bugs in the silks though. Is there something I should put on the silks to help with the worms, or should I just let them get their share ?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I woudn't put anything on the silks until they begin to turn brown...any sooner than that and it'll quite possibly inhibit pollination. (Some folks use mineral oil for worms but apply it too soon and the result is poorly filled out ears.)

If your plants are far enough along to have corn on them and you have a small patch you might wanna try straightening up some of the stalks that are really flat to the ground if you can do it w/out damaging the roots. If you have a largescale corn patch though just wait it out and let nature pull them back up.

Not sure what kind of bugs you have on your silks. Are they eating the silks? Or are they worms?

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Here in the corn belt corn root worm beetles[western] hatch out about the end of July and are really bad about eating the silks up!!! The early plantings escape that, but later plantings will not pollinate well at all when the new silks are eaten up. These beetles are much like cucumber beetles in appearance...also spotted cuke beetles [southern corn root worm beetles] do the same thing.

I don't have ear worm problems until very late plantings.

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