
Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Okay I know many of you LOVE birds but I am starting to have a bad feeling toward my feathered friends. I could handle the ripping of my canopy over my garden swing, but eating my strawberries is just rude! I just put netting over the patch but I am a little miffed at the things (also the woodpecker's trying to make holes in my house is not great either)

Any of you have problems?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

When I had an outside cat, that pretty much took care of the bird/squirrel problem. Now that I don't, I was having a problem and then I took the bird feeder and bath out and gave them to my neighbor LOL .. now they are in her yard.


Northport, ME(Zone 5b)

I really want to shoot starlings. They don't belong here. I believe they are pushing out bluebirds. Or not? Starlings are not game birds so we can't shoot them. WE have a season for crows. Very smart birds, I won,t shoot one.From what I've read and seen, I'd love a pet crow.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Mobi, I LOVE the birds. I feed them, water them, pamper them, and most of the time I'm happy to have them around. BUT we have our moments. I've long since accepted that they are going to eat all of the strawberries and blueberries and sometimes peck holes in the tomatos (and the squirrels will steal the green peaches). BTW, I am starting to get a few berries lately as the crop size has increased over time. I figure when the crop exceeds their appetite, I'll get the overflow.

A woodpecker drills on the roof from time to time - although I haven't seen him lately. A family of finches took over my front porch light fixture, stuffed it with nesting material, and sent glass raining down on the front door mat - it's too high up for me to evict them so now they own the fixture. And last summer in a standoff that lasted for a month or more, a tiny little tufted titmouse spent 18hr/day pecking on my windows and siding and totally destroyed 4 of my window screens.

So, yes, we have our squabbles from time to time.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I have two indoor outdoor kitties but they are no match for the blue jay couple that live next door.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I knew that I wasn't the only one that has a love/hate thing going on with birds. Funny thing is my MIL LOVES birds and hates the cats messing in her garden. I don't mind the cats (my own) as I also have 3 dogs and have to pick up poo anyway, but the birds......

I am calmed down and have decided to make friends with the birds. I am going to get a standing bird feeder and fill it with lots of feed. (Hopefully to keep their gullets full). Also so my cats can't get the birds. Not that the birds have any trouble with them. I had a blue jay nearly attack one of my cats. I have netting over my strawberries, we shall see if that will be enough.

I also decided to make friends with the weeds. As long as they don't take over I won't start a war, however the bindweed's not playing nice.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

LOL .. I can see Mobi's next post ..

How do I get rid of those blankety blank squirrel eating all the bird food?


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Northport, ME(Zone 5b)

Sub-sonic .22

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

So far, I haven't had any problems with squirrels, they are too aftraid of the blue jays!

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