Is this poison ivy?

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

This is growing in my shade garden. Can I paint it with poison ivy killer without affecting the other plants? Tamara

Thumbnail by zone5girl

Don't be fooled by the variability in the leaves. That looks like Toxicodendron radicans to me. Mine all have that telltale oven mit look to the leaves with the one side exhibiting teeth. I don't think you need to incur any additional expense purchasing a product specifically for killing Poison Ivy as I've been able to kill it off with regular old Round Up or BrushBGone. I stick a little tarp around the base of it and paint it or spray it right around noon when it is photosynthesizing it's sweet little brains out. Sometimes I need to give it a "touch up" in a week or so but normally it toddles on to plant heaven quite peacefully.

I don't know if you know this already but after it is dead, dig it up and bag it and toss it out with your regular garbage. Please don't burn it. The oils vaporize and get carried by air currents and if it hits your body or gets into your lungs you would be one hurting little person. Same deal with Poison Oak, Wild Parsnip, and Water Hemlock or any plant that shares similar characteristics. My husband burned a bunch of it once. Men like to burn anything that isn't nailed down. Not much more I can say but he was miserable from his socks up to where his shorts were but was very lucky none of it got into his lungs. The smoke got all the unprotected portions of his body and we should have bought stock in Tecnu that year.

Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

WHAT is UP with THAT re: men/burning, lol


Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks Equilibrium! Actually, I already have some poison ivy killer. The year before last, I just thought it was some weed vine, twining its way up a pine tree (I had never seen it before). A few hours later, I noticed that I was really itchy. And thus began my summer spent with a hideous rash that started on my arms and spread all over. UGH! It was awful!!!!! But this PI is growing in my neighbor's yard and creeping into mine. Better give her a head's up. Tamara

Hey bluelytes, it's a Y chromosome defect. There have been times I have had to stand guard to make sure they don't add to their pile. You would be shocked to see what they are willing to burn for the opportunity to have a gay old time bonding. And, nothing like a good rip roaring fire to attract the other defective Y chromosomes from the neighborhood. Something about fires brings out all the men folk. And they say we women are gossips. Light a fire and see what crawls out of the woodwork to gab.

Hey z5g, really sorry you got nailed last year. I actually leave some of these vines on my property because the birds do eat the berries but I remove any and all that are any where near where the kids play. You might want to check into an over the counter product called Tecnu. I believe we bought out Walgreens that summer. It does help and if you even think you got into any PI. Just slop it all over your body then rinse well and it will help reduce the impact of battling with PI and losing. Again, really sorry you got hammered, I feel for you and sun aggravates those PI rashes. Could be worse I suppose. Could have been Wild Parsnip.

Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

is that "Tecnu" a pre-contact product??

I don't know the answer to that question. Could be but I'd call my pharmacist on that one and don't be going out there and getting all brave or anything lathered up with your Tecnu armor because it might be only effective in reducing the effects of PI after contact. Who knows. I certainly know that it wouldn't be effective sucking it into your lungs if you inhaled any vaporized PI.

Olympia, WA

Not wanting to get too far off the topic, I will quickly and quietly add my father's mischief to the subject of men and burning things. How about burning a dead skunk on a Sunday AM when the air in the country valley was quite still and outdoor picnics were planned?


Yup, yet another fine representation of the inherent defects in Y chromosomes.

Northport, ME(Zone 5b)

NEVER BURN POISON IVY! The smoke can give you nasty effects. Chop it up. Kill it. Make it rot.

Millbury, MA(Zone 6a)


I often think I should buy stock in Tecnu. Tecnu makes a cleanser that removes poison ivy/oak oils after exposure - - I use it every time I *see* poison ivy (I contact poison ivy just by looking at it). They also have the most effective anti-itch cream (in my opinion) - - all under the brand "Oak-N-Ivy." I find Tecnu a bit more expensive than competing brands (at least in my area), but well worth it.

EnviroDerm makes a lotion "Ivy Block" which is preventative/pre-contact. I use it everytime I venture into one area of my yard where I know poison ivy to thrive. Not sure if it is 100% protection (I wouldn't go rolling around in a patch of poison ivy or anything), but I haven't had any problems with it.

Also, if you use any tools or garden gloves while removing the posion ivy be sure to wash them thoroughly with soapy water. The oils can remain on the tools and catch up with you later.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I am a fairly new DG user and have been browsing various forums. I saw Tecnu mentioned here and I have to share my experience with Tecnu.

According to the label, Tecnu must be used within 15 minutes of contact with poison ivy. However, I have found that it works even after a couple of days. As soon as my skin gets that tell-tale itch and bumps, I use Tecnu. And Tecnu cleans off whatever it is--never fails. I am not sure why but sometimes it takes several washings--over a couple of days--before I can totally get rid of poison ivy oil on me.

My local stores carry only 4oz bottles. I got online and bought some 12oz bottles directly from the company. Worth every penny in my opinion.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Innerestin thread. I've carried the same bottle of Tecnu around forever. Isopropyl alcohol has also worked on me, post-contact, and Dawn dish detergent. But for my money nothing beats plain dilution: going for a good long swim after exposure.

Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

There is a thread somewhere re: using jewel weed as a cure for poison ivy. They say you can also freeze it for later use.


Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

Just adding my 2 cents worth about men burning things....

DH burned up 20 acres of our then uninhabited property and 2 neighbors' property letting a burn pile get away from him. (This after I strongly suggested he not burn out there alone) But, he did make friends with all the local volunteer fire fighters and passed his 6 month probation period without another incident allowing the fine levied by the forestry commission to be waved.

Didn't learn from that one. He and his two duck hunting partners caught the wive's attention as they dashed past the window of the duck club - first time empty handed - again with a hose in hand - then yet again in a pickup with a large ice chest in the back. They had been trying to burn off grass that had grown over an old barn floor to measure for a new structure. They started burning all four sides at once and, of course, it got out of control and was quickly spreading in four directions into the cut rice field where it could race out of control for acres and acres. The trips back and forth we had witnessed were them running for a hose, realizing the hose wasn't going to reach, then backing the truck up to the hose to fill the chest with water and throw it at the fire a cup at a time. We three wives just looked at each other, shook our heads, grabbed a bunch of bath towels, soaked them in the chest of water and beat out the fire while they watched.

Men should not be allowed to play with fire.


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