Wants & Lots of haves

Saint Helen, MI(Zone 5a)

I am looking for:
Any/all sunflowers Except Mammoth and Black oil
Perry's Blue Malva
Rose of Sharon

BTW I like to do big trades

Anderson, TX(Zone 8a)

I would love some of your yellow trumpet lily, Hosta / Plantain Lily Large,bicolored & blues mixed, HydrangeaPeeGee Brussel, Ornimental Onion Purple, Nodding Onion, Magnolia Sweet Bay. My list is under jessaree. Hope we can make a trade.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Sari,
I am interested in your Pineapple Mint, Beebalm Lavender wid bergmot, Lupine Minarette Hybs., Clasping Leaf Coneflower, and Bouncing Bet. Check my list under Momcat, and let me know if there is anything elso you're interested in. I also have Rose of Sharon in Blue, and in Pink with a Darker Pink center that I will share if you're interested.

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