Native hawthorns for bonsai

Cordele, GA

Does anyone have hawthorns as bonsai or in training? I have always loved the leaves on C.spathulata and have recently discovered some c. punctata on a clear cut lot that I am considering attempting to move.

My questions are;

1 how well do hawthorns transplant from the wild ?

2 what style af training suits them best? I recently saw a C spathulata at a show and it had all the grace of a Bradford pear. Is it inherent in the plant to make so many breaks in response to pruning that you get the green ball on a stick, or was that the growers personal choice?


Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Taking any tree from a natural growing situation and potting it should be done in the winter when they are dormant. Take the smallest one you can find and move it in late winter while it is still cold. Take more than one. Tag them now with paint or tape so you can find them later, if they are not evergreens. Takes years to get one into shape.

Trees can be shaped almost anyway you want to, if you have the information necessary to work on them. It is best to try and repeat the form they naturally take, and make them do it in minature.

I would suggest you buy a used book from one of the on line sellers, might cost up to $10, but, usually less. The best is from the family that takes care of the Emperor of Japans trees. Here is the one I bought.....

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Cordele, GA

Actually I am somewhat familiar with bonsai styling from books and shows. That is why this green ball on a stick looked so strange to me. I think that the intent was a broom style, but...

I really had no choice in moving the trees. The lot was clear cut two years ago and is about to be sold for development. The seller told me to take what I want this month. The plants I removed were actually water sprouts from the persistant roots of a removed tree. Three look really good and two look distinctly unhappy. I also collected some vaccinium that made the move more comfortably.

I have seen several references to Superthrive. Do you reccommend it to assist rooting?


Bandung, Indonesia

Do you have any comments about this bonsai - one of my collection ([]) ?

Species : Phemna Microphyla (Sancang)

Style : Informal

Height : 20 cm

Age : 3 Years

Thumbnail by limadijaya
Cordele, GA

It is a very nice tree. The exposed roots give an impression of age and maturity. How long have you had the plant in training?


Bandung, Indonesia

Thank you very much for your comments. The bonsai had been trained for 6 years. Hope you could enjoy more bonsai in our website !

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