Walking onions?

Fort Myers, FL(Zone 10a)

I was told on onions that grow in a very odd way.. and get top heavy... fall over and replant?

Just wondering if this is right or if anyone has every heard of them?

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Is this what you mean? The Egyptian walking onion


Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

yep..... been growing them for many years. Planted them once about 20 years ago & they continue to give a good crop every year. Walking onions OR Egyptian onions, same thing... I planted a few bulblets to start and, as you said, they sprout every springtime to give green onions OR scallions , as some folks call'em.....then as weather warms the stalks thicken, become tough to eat & bulblets form on top. Stalks fall over & the bulblets will sprout & take root... OR.. one can harvest the dry bulblets and plant in another location to start a new patch. Good thing to have in the garden if you like onionslike we do! They do NOT, however, form larger mature underground onions.


Fort Myers, FL(Zone 10a)

I love Onions!!! THank you!!!

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

You just have to make sure you collect the bulblets as they ripen if you don't want them spreading everywhere. A handful of bulbs 4 years ago has turned our garden into an onion farm! We haven't bought green onions in a long time :)

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

thanks, Katlian... yeeee-hawwww!!!!!! ..... see, noell, what i said IS fact!! I wadn't jus' whistlin' Dixie!!


Fort Myers, FL(Zone 10a)

lol... now all I have to do is find some!

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