New to Hydrangeas - zone 6 question

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi everyone!
I bought Endless Summer and Forever and Ever Red hydrangeas at Lowe's a couple of weeks ago and am wondering if the following would be an ok location for them, I see that the plant files says "sun to partial shade". I want to plant them in front our barn and they will get approx 4 hours of morning sun, maybe a tad more but not much. Will this be enough or do they need more sun? This bed stays moist because the barn blocks most of the prevailing winds so the moisture needs shouldn't be a problem, I'm just so unsure about the sun and don't want to have to move them once they're planted.
Thanks for your help!!

I'm thinking it might not be enough sun for them. They may bloom, but you may have fewer and smaller blooms. It might depend on whether the rest of the time they would be in Light shade or Deep shade. The only way you will really be able to tell is to just put them there and see. You could always put them in big pots for a season, stage them by the barn, and then if they don't do well it would be easy to move them, but hydrangeas don't mind being moved so if it were me, I'd just plant them.

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

I've been putting other varieties of hydrangeas in part shade like you describe, so far so good. I did read that Endless Summer wants more sun than other varieties. Maybe F&E is the same, 'cause it reblooms too. If you take Pixydish's advice and plant to move them, the best time is when they are dormant. You are in a zone similar to me, so maybe November to December is good, before a hard freeze. Keep the thread posted, I want to buy a reblooming hydrangea, I've been looking to find a spot with enough sun (that doesn't already have roses or lilacs on it!). Good luck!
PS- If you want to know what I planted that is doing well in part shade, just ask.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Pixydish and bbinnj ~ I watched the area again this weekend and it actually gets about 5 hours of sun. I'm going to plant them next week, hopefully, as soon as I move a few things that are there. It's good to know that they don't mind moving, I don't mind moving stuff around but am always nervous with plants that I'm unfamiliar with, now I won't worry so much :-)

The Endless Summer has been sitting potted in almost full shade for a few weeks, it's blooming some so hopefully the 5 hours sun will be enough, the F&E is a smaller plant and it doesn't have any buds yet.

I'll post on how the do.


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