trellis question

Dowagiac, MI

I am a beginner and have a question regarding a trellis. I obtained a lovely antique headboard made of some sort of metal and painted a dark brown. I'm thinking about using it as a trellis for my gloriosa lilies that are presently only about 6 inches high. They are in a huge pot, west exposure, sitting on a concrete patio. I am wondering if the metal bedframe would get too warm to be used successfully as a trellis. I could paint it white to perhaps reflect rather than draw the heat, but it's still made of metal.
Anyone able to advise me?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've seen (and purchased) black metal trellises from garden centers, so I don't think there's anything inherently bad about metal, however all the ones I've seen have had this matte black coating on the, not sure if it's some kind of paint or if it's a plastic coating of some sort to prevent the heat buildup. I also have seen many vines growing succesfully on chain link fences and they don't have the black coating, so I think you'd be OK. The only problem might be if the metal parts on the frame are too wide...on the trellis and the chain link fence, the metal is very thin/narrow so only small parts of the vine are actually in contact with the hot metal, but if your bedrame has big fat metal areas and lots of the plant is directly in contact with it then you might fry your plant. I'm not sure about that though, it's just a theory!

Dowagiac, MI

They are big and fat, so maybe it wouldn't be a good idea. It's just such a lovely piece, I'd like to use it. If I can't get a definitive answer that's "it's safe", I may try growing some common morning glories on it, at least for this year. If those would fry, my loss would be minimal. Thanks.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

BP..I have Gloriosa Lilys and they aren't the clingingest vines will find yourself tying them up a bit ....they will do fine on your newly devised trellis...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX

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