No blooms on my peony

Portland, OR

I have a peony without a single bloom. It was here when I moved in. At first I thought it was lack of sun, but while walking in the neighborhood last evening, I saw one in bloom under the canopy of a large tree......any suggestions? I didn't try to transplant it this spring because I understand they don't transplant well.

Olympia, WA

When you transplant this, be sure to have the crown at the soil surface! Peonies don't bloom if planted too deeply. I don't recall what "season" to do this, but I am sure some other DGer will have that information for you.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

I moved a peony to my mom's last Oct/Nov and it has nice fat buds on it now.

Duvall, WA(Zone 7b)

Deffinitely move it when it's dormant. Has it ever flowered?

Portland, OR

Juniorballoon, it has not bloomed since I moved in - about a year ago. It has grown quite a bit, but not a sign of a bloom. Will they bloom in part sun???

should bloom in part sun. Check to see that it isn't planted too deeply like wannadance said. The crown of the plant should be just under the surface of the soil. If it's been there awhile, soil may have built up over it. Definitely wait until late fall/winter to move it and then get as large a root ball as possible, disturbing the roots as little as possible. Have the new hole dug already and make sure it's big enough.
Maybe the soil doesn't have enough nutrients for it to bloom. You might try fertilizing it for blooms next year.
Is it a large plant, indicating that it is fairly old? If it was a young plant when the previous owners planted it, it might not be established enough to bloom.

Portland, OR

thanks, everyone. I don't know how old it is, but I have a feeling the previous owner took out most of the original plant when she moved, and that what I have is just an offset. Last year, before I improved the soil, I had just a few branches. This year, it is much bigger, but probably still pretty young. I will try moving it in the fall.

I love this site. What a great way to learn about growing things here!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

That's probably why it didn't bloom. I moved some of my mom's peony last summer and altho mine did well growth wise, it didn't bloom this year and probably won't til hopefully next year. But it can take a few years.

Also, hers was much diminished this year as it tries to recover from the small pieces she cut off to give me.

If you move it, you probably will not get any blooms in 2007, so I'd leave it one more year.

How many hours a day of sun does it get? They definitely like sun.


Yep. ditto Gwen.

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